Instructions: G704™–2017, Certificate of Substantial Completion – AIA …
Dec 4, 2024 · AIA Document G704–2017 is a standard form for recording the date of substantial completion of the work or a designated portion thereof. The contractor prepares a list of items to be completed or corrected following substantial completion, and …
The responsibilities of the Owner and Contractor for security, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage to the Work, insurance, and other items identified below shall be as follows: (Note: Owner’s and Contractor’s legal and insurance counsel should review insurance requirements and coverage.) AIA Document G704TM – 2017.
G704-2017 Certificate of Substantial Completion - aiacontracts.com
AIA Document G704®–2017 is a standard form for recording the date of substantial completion of the work or a designated portion thereof. The contractor prepares a list of items to be completed or corrected following substantial completion, and the architect verifies and amends this list.
G704-2017 - Certificate of Substantial Completion Author: The American Institute of Architects Subject: AIA Contract Documents Created Date: 20171115163400Z
G704–2017, Certificate of Substantial Completion ... - AIA Design …
AIA Document G704®–2017 is a standard form for recording the date of substantial completion of the work or a designated portion thereof. The contractor prepares a list of items to be completed or corrected following substantial completion, and the architect verifies and amends this list.
Complete the G704-2017 Certificate of Substantial Completion
AIA Document G704™–2017 is a standard form for recording the date of substantial completion of the work or a designated portion thereof. Watch a short video to learn more about this form and how to complete it correctly.
Document G704TM – 2000. The Work performed under this Contract has been reviewed and found, to the Architect’s best knowledge, information and belief, to be substantially complete.
G704–2017, Certificate of Substantial Completion - AIA Bookstore
AIA Document G704™–2000 is a standard form for recording the date of substantial completion of the work or a designated portion thereof. The contractor prepares a list of items to be completed or corrected, and the architect verifies and amends this list.
FAQs: Certificates of final completion for project closeout – AIA ...
Dec 10, 2024 · AIA Contract Documents does not provide a certificate of final completion or project closeout forms. However, it offers several certificates for substantial completion, including G704-2017, G734-2019, and G744-2014 for various project types, such as design-build and construction manager-adviser.
Certificate of Substantial Completion | AIA Professional
Oct 9, 2017 · AIA Document G704™–2017 is a standard form for recording the date of substantial completion of the work or a designated portion thereof.