The ICON A5 650 Edition (or “A5”) is a two-seat, single-engine, amphibious Light Sport Aircraft. The A5 has a conventional high wing, tail-aft configuration with ailerons, flaps, elevator, rudder and water rudder control surfaces. The wings are manually foldable with the flight controls (ailerons and flaps) connecting automatically. The
actuators/bell cranks (ASN 00001-00011, 00013-00020). These differences are identified below; unless otherwise indicated, steps apply to all configurations. CONSUMABLES AND BULK MATERIALS: PART NUMBER . DESCRIPTION
ICON has identified that some of the 4 AWG wire harness to terminal connections in the affected aircraft do not meet the required tensile pull force of 140lbs due to improper crimping of the wire harness to the terminal. Therefore, the crimp on certain connections needs to be visually inspected and re-crimped
The configurations and corresponding Aircraft Serial Number (ASN) are as follows: • ASN 00001-00020: Model Year 17 (MY17) • ASN 00021-00122: Founders Edition • ASN 00123+: Limited Edition – Garmin 796 – Garmin G3X Touch™ – Garmin G3X Touch™ with Autopilot
Transponder and ELT Antenna Replacement - ICON Aircraft
For G3X aircraft, perform a transponder functional test for transmission on 121.5 MHz and 406 MHz. If the control unit was replaced, configure the transponder. See 190-01499-10 Ga
maintenance, and repair in accordance with the latest release of the online ICON Aircraft . Maintenance Manual, ICA000833. Note for 1.0 Configuration (ASN 00001-00011, 00013-00020) 1.0 configuration NLG parts are not compatible with rig …
ICON A5 . SERIAL NUMBERS: ASN 00001 – 00125 . REQUIRED ACTION: Application of Loctite 242 to the BRS parachute rocket actuation Bowden cable. TIME OF COMPLIANCE: At next 100 hour or condition inspection, whichever occurs first. REVISION HISTORY: A . Initial Release . LEVEL OF CERTIFICATION REQUIRED (any level checked can perform task):
ICON has been made aware of instances where the shear screws at the base of the rocket motor have backed out, posing a risk of moisture intrusion and propellant degradation. In order to further investigate and safeguard against this risk, BRS and ICON have developed an inspection. ASSEMBLIES AND PARTS: PART NUMBER . DESCRIPTION
serial numbers: asn: 00152, 00154, 00155, 00158, 00159, 00161 – 00163 REQUIRED ACTION: Disable the autopilot until Garmin software 9.13 and ICON configuration
AIRCRAFT AFFECTED: MAKE & MODEL: ICON A5 SERIAL NUMBERS: ASN: 00130 – 00153; 00156; 00158 – 00166 REQUIRED ACTION: Inspect the canopy latch mechanism for proper torque and installation. Adjust the canopy latch mechanism if torque specifications are not met.