Amiran Kenya | Leader in Quality Seeds | Agrochemicals | Fertilizers ...
Begin a successful farming journey with Amiran Kenya- a trusted leader in horticulture seeds, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides fertilizers, greenhouse solutions, and drip irrigation. Our …
Sourced from trusted world class leaders in the industry, Amiran’s Agro-Division Products are based on Amiran’s three pillars towards successful agribusiness projects; technologies, …
Seeds - Amiran Kenya
Amiran Kenya. Toll-free Number : +254 800 720 720. Countries Our Locations in Africa. Our subsidiaries in Africa are located in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Nigeria, …
Chemicals - Amiran Kenya
Amiran Kenya. Toll-free Number : +254 800 720 720. Countries Our Locations in Africa. Our subsidiaries in Africa are located in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Nigeria, …
Our Story - Amiran Kenya
Amiran Kenya Limited began its operations at the dawn of Kenya’s independence in 1963. We are a private limited company, and a subsidiary of Balton CP which Amiran Kenya
Amiran’s Agro-Division Department is providing its farmers with field proven top quality agricultural inputs: • Herbicides, Insecticides, Fungicides, Nematicides and Adjuvants - Help …
Amiran seeds are the seeds provided in the award winning Amiran Farmer’s Kit (AFK) which received the MDG award for the eradication of extreme poverty & hunger in 2010, and for …
field proven products from world renowned leaders, Amiran Kenya is providing farmers with cost effective solutions to all fungal problems for a better crop yield.
Amiran Kenya | Drip Irrigation Systems and Irrigation Equipment ...
Our partnerships with communities in Kenya include installation and maintenance of drip lines, sprinklers, micro-sprinklers, micro-jets, rain guns and center pivot, and irrigation solutions used …
Amiran Kenya | Greenhouses and Tunnels
Since 1963, the Amiran brand has been synonymous with providing farmers with high quality and dependable Greenhouse and Irrigation solutions. In a bid to reduce the impact of climate …