Amiran Kenya | Leader in Quality Seeds | Agrochemicals | Fertilizers ...
Begin a successful farming journey with Amiran Kenya- a trusted leader in horticulture seeds, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides fertilizers, greenhouse solutions, and drip irrigation. Our seed range includes tomato seeds, onion seeds, cabbage seeds, Kale seeds, broccoli seeds, and watermelon seeds among others.
Sourced from trusted world class leaders in the industry, Amiran’s Agro-Division Products are based on Amiran’s three pillars towards successful agribusiness projects; technologies, knowledge and high quality inputs and are packaged for both small and large scale growers.
Seeds - Amiran Kenya
Amiran Kenya. Toll-free Number : +254 800 720 720. Countries Our Locations in Africa. Our subsidiaries in Africa are located in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Ghana and Zambia. Click on a subsidiary company logo below to get to the country website. Search for: Search Button. Home;
Chemicals - Amiran Kenya
Amiran Kenya. Toll-free Number : +254 800 720 720. Countries Our Locations in Africa. Our subsidiaries in Africa are located in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Ghana and Zambia. Click on a subsidiary company logo below to get to the country website. Search for: Search Button. Home;
Our Story - Amiran Kenya
Amiran Kenya Limited began its operations at the dawn of Kenya’s independence in 1963. We are a private limited company, and a subsidiary of Balton CP which Amiran Kenya
Amiran’s Agro-Division Department is providing its farmers with field proven top quality agricultural inputs: • Herbicides, Insecticides, Fungicides, Nematicides and Adjuvants - Help reduce farming risks through crop protection and improvement • A wide array of fertilizers and bio stimulants - Help in crop enhancement to
Amiran seeds are the seeds provided in the award winning Amiran Farmer’s Kit (AFK) which received the MDG award for the eradication of extreme poverty & hunger in 2010, and for Youth Empowerment in 2011, from the MDG Trust
field proven products from world renowned leaders, Amiran Kenya is providing farmers with cost effective solutions to all fungal problems for a better crop yield.
Amiran Kenya | Drip Irrigation Systems and Irrigation Equipment ...
Our partnerships with communities in Kenya include installation and maintenance of drip lines, sprinklers, micro-sprinklers, micro-jets, rain guns and center pivot, and irrigation solutions used for various crops such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, and trees.
Amiran Kenya | Greenhouses and Tunnels
Since 1963, the Amiran brand has been synonymous with providing farmers with high quality and dependable Greenhouse and Irrigation solutions. In a bid to reduce the impact of climate change and ensure that food security is achieved, our solutions have aided in reducing farming risks through crop protection, crop improvement and crop enhancement ...