Annexin - Wikipedia
Annexin is a common name for a group of cellular proteins. They are mostly found in eukaryotic organisms (animals, plants and fungi). In humans, the annexins are found inside the cell. However some annexins (Annexin A1, Annexin A2, and Annexin A5) can be secreted from the cytoplasm to outside cellular environments, such as blood.
Annexins—a family of proteins with distinctive tastes for cell ...
Feb 21, 2024 · Annexins are cytosolic proteins with conserved three-dimensional structures that bind acidic phospholipids in cellular membranes at elevated Ca 2+ levels. Through this they act as Ca 2+...
Annexins: from structure to function - PubMed
Annexins are Ca2+ and phospholipid binding proteins forming an evolutionary conserved multigene family with members of the family being expressed throughout animal and plant kingdoms.
The annexins - PMC
May 4, 2004 · Annexins are traditionally thought of as calcium-dependent phospholipid-binding proteins, but recent work suggests a more complex set of functions. More than a thousand proteins of the annexin superfamily have been identified in major eukaryotic phyla, but annexins are absent from yeasts and prokaryotes.
Annexin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Annexins are a multigene family of Ca2+ -, phospholipid- and cytoskeleton-binding proteins with representatives in animals, plants and fungi [83–86]. They may exist in a soluble or membrane-bound state and, in plant cells, they may contribute up to 0.1% of the total protein.
Annexins family: insights into their functions and potential role in ...
Apr 12, 2016 · Annexins (ANX) are a large family of calcium-dependent membrane-binding proteins. They are widely distributed among eukaryotes but largely absent in prokaryotes and yeasts. The first protein of this family, discovered in 1977, was called synexin.
Annexin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Annexins are a family of highly conserved proteins characterized by their ability to bind phospholipids, predominantly in a calcium dependent manner. There are 12 known human annexins, which began to be identified in the late 70s and 80s when they were given disparate names depending on their biochemical properties.
Annexins: linking Ca 2+ signalling to membrane dynamics - Nature
Jun 1, 2005 · Annexins are a multigene family of Ca 2+ -regulated proteins that are characterized by a unique Ca 2+ - and membrane-binding module — the annexin core domain. This core domain enables Ca 2+...
Pathobiological functions and clinical implications of annexin ...
Annexins are an extensive superfamily of structurally related calcium- and phospholipid-binding proteins, largely conserved and widely distributed among species. Twelve human annexins have been identified, referred to as Annexin A1-13 (A12 remains ...
The annexins - PubMed
May 4, 2004 · Annexins are traditionally thought of as calcium-dependent phospholipid-binding proteins, but recent work suggests a more complex set of functions. More than a thousand proteins of the annexin superfamily have been identified in major eukaryotic phyla, but annexins are absent from yeasts and prokary …