Aarong | Ethically made handcrafted products | A BRAC social …
Aarong - Number one lifestyle retailer in Bangladesh and social enterprise of BRAC
Women - Aarong
Aarong - Number one lifestyle retailer in Bangladesh and social enterprise of BRAC
About Aarong
From clay pots to diamond jewellery, and silk and cotton fabrics to brass and leather products, Aarong’s vast range of innovative products, backed by a robust supply chain and distribution network, makes Aarong truly a household brand in Bangladesh.
Aarong - Wikipedia
Aarong (Bengali: আড়ং, lit. 'Village Fair') is a social enterprise chain of Bangladeshi department stores specializing in Bengali ethnic wear and handicrafts. It is owned by the non-profit development agency BRAC, and employs thousands of rural artisans across the country.
আড়ং (ব্র্যাক) - উইকিপিডিয়া
আড়ং একটি সোশ্যাল এন্টারপ্রাইজ। ৬৫ হাজার মানুষ আড়ংয়ের জন্য পণ্য উৎপাদন করেন। দেশে দারিদ্র্য বিমোচন ও নারীর কর্মসংস্থানের লক্ষ্য নিয়ে যাত্রা শুরু করে আড়ং। ২০১৭ সালে পণ্য বিক্রির পরিমাণ ছিল ৮৫০ কোটি টাকা। [৫] বিক্রির পরিমাণ বছরে গড়ে ১৫ শতাংশ হারে বাড়ছে। স্যার ফজলে হাসান আবেদের হাতে ১৯৭২ সালে ব্র্যাকের …
Aarong - BRAC
Apr 17, 2016 · Empowering crafters in a nutshell As one of Bangladesh's largest fashion retail chains under the umbrella of one of the world’s largest NGOs, Aarong’s flagship outlet also claims the largest retail space in the country as part of its presence in the Uttara district of Dhaka.
Alleshyam Quimno Arong Dala - Facebook
Alleshyam Quimno Arong Dala. 1,901 likes · 444 talking about this. "mY dAughtEr iS mY beSTfRieND fOR lIfE" ( " No Matter What")mybabyLabz[jovaNiEKo]
Aarong Turns 40: A Brief History Of Aarong - Future Startup
Oct 28, 2018 · Aarong is BRAC’s flagship social enterprise, and Bangladesh’s most popular lifestyle retail brand. The word Aarong means ‘village fair’ in Bangla. It consists of 22 outlets (21 physical and one online store) and sells handcrafted products made by more than 65,000 artisans located all over the country. Aarong is a team of over 3800 people.
Alleshyam Quimno Arong Dala (@alleshyamquimno) - Instagram
13 Followers, 127 Following, 17 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Alleshyam Quimno Arong Dala (@alleshyamquimno)
Aarong: More than just a store - The Good Feed
Feb 2, 2015 · Aarong ensures the livelihood of over 65,000 artisans (85 per cent women) and their families, directly benefiting approximately 320,000 people. Here are some of the individuals who make Aarong more than just a store.