Ask ADVi | Texas' virtual college advisor
Learn how ADVi works and how you can opt in to receive text-based support from ADVi and our team of virtual advisors! Get started.
Students | Ask ADVi
Ask short questions, one at a time. You can ask questions like “Where can I find scholarships?” or “Who can I ask for a letter of recommendation?” Avoid “stacking” questions (asking a bunch of questions in a single text).
Frequently Asked Questions | Ask ADVi
What can I ask ADVi? You can ask ADVi any question related to attending a public college or university in the state of Texas, including things like how financial aid works, what tests you need to take, how to transfer credits, and how to access campus resources.
Meet Our Team | Ask ADVi
ADVi a dvisors are available to assist with answering students’ questions about public institutions in Texas. Although ADVi is available 24/7, ADVi’s human support team is only available Monday through Thursday from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CDT)
Data Privacy Policy for ADVi | Ask ADVi
ADVi uses text messages to reach students with accurate and engaging information about key college access milestones, common questions, and action steps. If ADVi can’t answer a question or a student needs personalized support, the Virtual Advising Project’s trained advisors step …
Counselors - Ask ADVi
Once opted in, students can ask questions any time of day. If ADVi can’t answer a question, our team of highly trained advisors will reply. Our advisors are available between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. most weekdays and respond to student questions within 48 hours (usually much sooner!).
About - Ask ADVi
ADVi uses text messages to reach students with accurate and engaging information about key college access milestones, common questions, and action steps. If ADVi can’t answer a question or a student needs personalized support, the Virtual Advising Project’s trained advisors step …
Contact Us | Ask ADVi
You’ll get the latest news from ADVi and much more! Visit this link , sign up with your email address, and create a password. Then choose “Virtual Advising Project (ADVi)” from the menu …
What’s Up With Testing During COVID? | Ask ADVi
Jun 8, 2020 · And of course, if you still have questions, feel free to Ask ADVi! Text 512-829-3687 to get started. ApplyTexas is a one-stop shop for applying to a public university of community college in Texas.
ADVi Graphics | Ask ADVi
Promote ADVi to your students! Here are six posters catering to various populations: college bound students, adult learners, and students interested in trade school or the military. Download ADVi Promotional Posters (PDF)