Education Board Bangladesh
Official Website of Education Board Examination SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent JSC/JDC SSC/Dakhil SSC(Vocational) HSC/Alim HSC(Vocational) HSC(BM) Diploma in Commerce Diploma in Business Studies
Teletalk-q Message <space> Send DPE <space>Thana Codecspace>Roll N0<space>Passing year & Send to 16222 DPE 10101 34589 2012 send 16222 DPE EBT
D”Pgva¨wgK cix¶vi djvdj cybtwbix¶Y • djvdj cybtwbix¶Y t (29 RyjvBÕ11 ‡_‡K 12 AvMóÕ11ch©š—) ¾ ïaygvÎ †UwjUK wcÖ-‡cBW †gvevBj ‡_‡K djvdj cybtwbix¶‡Yi Av‡e`b Kiv hv‡e| †gvevB‡ji Message Ack‡b wM‡q RSC wj‡L <Space> w`‡q †ev‡W©i bv‡gi cÖ_g 3
rsc<>1st 3 letter of board<>roll<>subject code example: rsc dha 1234 101 & send to 16222 every subject or part will charge fee bdt 150 each in return sms candiate will get sms noticing amount of fee providing a pin number. if agreed, type sms again likely rsc<>yes<>pin<>any contact number & send to 16222 xample: rsc yes 47483875 01xxxxxxxx
rsc<>1st 3 letter of board<>roll<>subject code example: rsc dha 1234 101 & send to 16222 every subject or part will charge fee bdt 150 each in return sms candiate will get sms noticing amount of fee providing a pin number. if agreed, type sms again likely rsc<>yes<>pin<>any contact number & send to 16222 xample: rsc yes 47483875 01xxxxxxxx
oq RSC Messa e 'Space Subjec Code SMS PIN Number Message e:Spac PIN Number Contact Number <Spac Send SMS Sub.ect Code
djvdj cybtwbix¶Y 10 ‡g 2013 †_‡K 16 †g 2013 ch©šÍ ïaygvÎ †UwjUK wcÖ- ‡cBW †gvevBj ‡_‡K djvdj cybtwbix¶‡Yi Av‡e`b Kiv hv‡e|
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