Breeding Ewe Lambs - SDSU Extension
Feb 9, 2024 · Breeding ewe lambs can lead to an increase in the long-term flock productivity and profitability. Learn some expert tips to help determine whether breeding ewes is the right fit for your operation.
Reproduction in the ewe - Sheep 101
Apr 19, 2021 · Breed improvement in the sheep industry has been much slower to develop and the industry lacks a means to identify superior genetics. There are four methods of artificially inseminating a ewe: vaginal, cervical, trans-cervical, and intrauternine.
Feeding and Managing Your Bred Ewe Lambs - U.OSU
Oct 1, 2019 · A good rule of thumb is that ewe lambs should weigh at least 70% of their mature weight at breeding. Lambs should be managed so that they are not excessively fat because fat will accumulate in the udder and decrease overall milk production.
Feeding and Managing Your Bred Ewe Lambs - Penn State …
Feb 1, 2023 · Young ewes have a better opportunity to mother their lamb without getting bullied! Not all producers breed their ewe lambs. But, if you do breed ewe lambs be mindful that they are still growing themselves and require a higher plane …
Select Bred Ewe Sale - Wyoming Wool Growers
The WWGAs Wyoming Select Bred Ewe Sale, offers open ewe lambs and yearlings, as well as bred two year olds, running age, and broken-mouthed ewes. Purebred ewes might be available, but all papers are exchanged between buyer and seller.
To breed or not to breed: Breeding ewes and does for the first time
Should ewes and does be bred to produce their first offspring at approximately one year of age? Or should you wait until they are yearlings to breed them for the first time? The answer depends. There are many factors to consider and pros and cons to each breeding decision.
Jul 30, 2024 · We raise purebred Dorper sheep, primarily for meat, alongside a small number of stocker cattle for grass-fed beef. The area receives about 45 inches of rainfall annually, making it ideal for regenerative, pasture-based farming. My farming system is simple and low-input. Beyond pasture, feed supplements are reserved for emergencies.
Breeding Sheep (a guide to sheep mating & reproduction)
In this article I’ll discuss the basics of sheep reproduction, including information and tips for successfully breeding sheep. Learn about the physiology of this species and sheep mating habits and management best practices.
Reproductive Management of the Ewe Flock and the Ram
Sep 1, 2020 · Ewes will cycle every 16 to 17 days until they are bred or they reach the anestrous period. They are normally receptive to the ram for 24 to 48 hours. Once fertilization occurs, the ewe will give birth from 144 to 152 days after mating.
Breeding ewe lambs - MD Small Ruminant Page
Breeding ewe lambs and doe kids allows you to exploit their reproductive and genetic potential. It is well-documented that ewes that are mated as lambs will have a higher lifetime production than ewes that are mated for the first time as yearlings.