What are the ID requirements for a CLEP exam with remote …
Your primary identification (ID) document should be a current, government-issued physical ID that shows your name, photograph, and signature and is written in English-language letters, or a current military photo ID (Uniformed Services Geneva Conventions Common Access Card).
Forms signed by school officials must be printed on school stationery. Don’t accept this form as valid identification outside of the United States and/or if test taker is aged 21 or over. This form is valid for one year.* (See page 2 for instructions.)
What to Bring on Test Day – CLEP | College Board
A government-issued physical identification such as a driver's license, passport, or other official government ID that includes your photograph and signature. You will be asked to show this identification to be admitted to the testing area.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) - Tarrant County …
Aug 22, 2024 · What are the ID requirements to take the CLEP at TCC? All students must show one of the following current IDs to take the CLEP test: Driver's license (A DMV receipt for ID renewal may be presented with an expired ID)
College-Level Examination Program — CLEP | Polk State College
A PRIMARY ID is required to take a College-Level Examination Program test. This identification must be a government-issued photo ID . The ID must include the candidate’s name, signature, and a recognizable photograph .
CLEP (College Level Examination Program) | Collin College
A photo ID is required for all CLEP testing. Your primary ID must be government-issued and include your name, signature, and a recognizable photograph. There are NO exceptions on the forms of ID that can be used.
PRMINARY ID must be a government-issued photo ID. The ID must include the candidate’s name, signature, and a recognizable photograph. If the student is a minor and unable to provide a primary government-issued ID, then the College Board ID Form may be used for primary ID.
The Student ID Form can be downloaded from the Exam Day Info page of the CLEP website: http://clep.collegeboard.org/exam-day-info. You can also contact CLEP Services at (800) 257-9558, (212) 237-1331, or [email protected] for information on …
CLEP and DSST Exams - Housatonic
CLEP ID REQUIREMENTS IMPORTANT: Only students with one of the acceptable IDs listed below will be allowed to test. Acceptable forms of government issued identification include: Passport; Driver’s license; State or Province ID issued by the motor vehicle agency; Military ID; National ID; Tribal ID card; A naturalization card or certificate of ...
What types of ID should I bring to the test center in order to take …
You must bring a valid, government-issued physical ID, with a signature and picture, to the test center in order to take a CLEP exam. For more information on what types of ID are acceptable, check out the What to Bring on Test Day page.
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