Doctrine of the Mean - Wikipedia
The Doctrine of the Mean or Zhongyong is one of the Four Books of classical Chinese philosophy and a central doctrine of Confucianism. The text is attributed to Zisi (Kong Ji), the only grandson of Confucius (Kong Zi). It was originally a chapter in the Classic of Rites.
Chung Yung | Encyclopedia.com
Chung Yung (‘Central Norm’, often referred to as ‘The Doctrine of the Mean’). A work attributed to Tzu Ssu, Confucius' grandson (5th cent. BCE), but more probably a compilation of two or more works, being extracted from Li Chi. It advocates the discernment of a basic norm of human action which, if then put into effect, will bring life ...
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Zhongyong | Chinese Philosophy, Virtue & Morality | Britannica
Zhongyong, one of four Confucian texts that, when published together in 1190 by the Neo-Confucian philosopher Zhu Xi, became the famous Sishu (“Four Books”). Zhu chose Zhongyong for its metaphysical interest, which had already attracted the attention of Buddhists and earlier Neo-Confucianists.
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Chung Ju-yung - Wikipedia
Chung Ju-yung or Jung Joo-young (Korean: 정주영; 25 November 1915 – 21 March 2001), was a South Korean entrepreneur and the founder of Hyundai Groups, one of the largest chaebols in South Korea.
Zhongyong 中庸 - ChinaKnowledge.de
Jul 24, 2010 · Zhongyong 中庸, "Doctrine of the Mean", is a Confucian Classic and part of the Four Books (Sishu 四書). It is actually a chapter of the ritual classic Liji 禮記, was extracted from this book and treated as a separate book from the Song period 宋 (960-1279) on. There are several opinions about the authorship of the Zhongyong.
Ta Hsueh and Chung Yung: (The Highest Order of Cultivation and …
May 25, 2004 · The Ta Hsüeh (Great Learning) and the Chung Yung (Doctrine of the Mean) are treatises in the Book of Rites. The traditional account associates these two treatises with Tseng Tzu and K'ung Chi, who lived around 500-400 BC.
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Confucianism - Religious Studies Center
Aug 9, 2007 · Chung Yung is often translated as “the golden mean.” It is the concept that persons should not go to extremes in any aspect of life. In our language, it would mean that we should not be too conservative or too liberal; too poor or too rich; …
The Most Inspiring Autobiography I've Read: Chung Ju-yung …
Chung Ju-yung grew up so poor he had to eat tree bark to survive. He founded Hyundai and became the richest person in Korea. When Chung was in his 80s, he wrote an autobiography that tells the devastating reality of growing up in dire poverty, how he escaped through manual labor, and how he founded and grew one of the world's largest conglomerates.