Online Rubik's Cube Simulator - Ruwix
Play with the 3D Rubik's Cube simulator online. Press the scramble button and try to figure out the solution and practice.
Online 3D Rubik's Cube Simulator - Ruwix
Play with the 3D Rubik's Cube simulator online. Press the shuffle button and try to figure out the solution and practice with the puzzle. Use your keyboard: The letters turn each face, according …
3D Interactive Rubik's Cube Widget - Ruwix
Roofpig is an animated, programmable and interactive 3D Rubik's Cube for the modern web which uses WebGL or plain Canvas (by way of three.js) and is written in CoffeeScript. You can …
Online 3D 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube Simulator - Ruwix
Play with the 3D Rubik's Pocket Cube simulator online. Press the shuffle button and try to solve the puzzle as fast as you can. Use your keyboard: The letters turn each face, according to …
Online 2D Rubik's Cube Simulator - Ruwix
Switch to the 3D Rubik's Cube simulator if you want to manipulate the cube dragging it with your mouse and see it in three dimmensions. The online Rubik's Cube solver knows all the …
Online Rubik's Revenge (4x4x4 Cube) Simulator - Ruwix
The Rubik's Revenge is the 4x4x4 version of the well known Rubik's Cube.The main difference is that in this case the puzzle doesn't have fixed center pieces.
Online 3D Square-1 Puzzle Simulator - Ruwix
This is the one and only online 3D Square-1 cube puzzle simulator. Use your mouse or swipe to operate cube or turn the top and bottom faces with the Q, W, A, S keys and press Space to …
2x2x2 Rubik's Cube (Pocket Cube) Simulator - Ruwix
The Pocket Cube is the 2x2x2 version of the famous Rubik's Cube.This online simulator lets you play with this small and quite hard puzzle on your computer without downloading any program …
Online 3D Megaminx Puzzle Simulator - Ruwix
Play online with this 3D simulator! Drag the faces or to make a face rotation or swipe outside the puzzle to change the perspective. Shuffle and Reset the dodecahedron to the solved position …
Online 8x8x8 Rubik's Cube Simulator - Ruwix
With this online puzzle simulator you can play with the 8x8x8 Rubik's Cube. Familiarize yourself with this large order NxNxN cube, learn the notation and try to solve it.