html - What's the <dl> tag for? - Stack Overflow
Sep 21, 2012 · DL A definition list is the container element for DT and DD elements. The DL element should be used when you want incorporate a definition of a term in your document, it is often used in glossaries to define many terms, it is also used in “normal” documents when the author wishes to explain a term in a more detail (Like this definition). DT
html dl, dt and dd tags for generating a list - Stack Overflow
Apr 29, 2010 · The scenario you describe, items with an title and a description, seems like an excellent candidate for the DL element. It's what the element is made for. The HTML spec says: Definition lists, created using the DL element, generally consist of a series of term/definition pairs (although definition lists may have other applications).
html - Can I put anything inside DL/DT/DDs? - Stack Overflow
Jun 3, 2012 · Inside a DL you can only put DT and DD tags. A DT tag is an inline tag , so you should not put block elements in it. A DD tag can contain basically anything you want, it's a flow content tag.
DL Tag - Vertical align text in DT Tag, color background and have …
Nov 22, 2018 · providing text-align:center on the dl tag will center your text. dl{text-align:center;} The hard part is then trying to vertically align the text to the middle. An option for this is to contain the text in an absolute positioned div.. but is a bit messy.
What is the difference between dl, dd, dt and ul li? [closed]
Jan 28, 2014 · <dl> is for making a Definition List, where you we can have a Definition Title inside <dt> and one or more definition description, for the above title, inside <dd> tags. From W3C: HTML offers authors several mechanisms for specifying lists of information. All lists must contain one or more list elements. Lists may contain: Unordered information.
Does definition list <dl> require that each <dd> will have <dt> tag?
Apr 12, 2017 · HTML dl tag .. definition list or description list? Hot Network Questions biblatex special field foo={bar ...
O que é uma "lista de definição" e como essas tags são usadas …
Os elementos <dl>, <dt> e <dd> são usados em conjunto principalmente para: Glossários; Lista de definições; Metadados (conjunto de pares chaves-valor). Mas a pergunta é: o que significam essas tags HTML? O elemento HTML <dl> representa uma lista de descrição.
why do the DL tag uses all the space even I specify its width?
Jan 25, 2021 · The <dl> tag is equal to the width you specified (300px) and does not use the remaining space. If you need to line up these tags on one line, set display: inline-block for this tag. Like this: dl { ... display: inline-block; } You can also center these <dl> tags for by setting text-align: center for the parent.
What are the benefits of using HTML description lists (dl, dt, dd)?
Dec 14, 2018 · MDN explains the <dl>,<dt> and <dd> tags can be used to implement a glossary or a list of key-value pairs. According to maxdesign.com.au (article posted in 2004, its statings may be inaccurate) there are even downsides in using them: The <dt> within definition lists cannot contain block level elements;
Is there a valid way to wrap a dt and a dd with an HTML element?
Jun 4, 2012 · @zcorpan Wow, thanks, Simon. That’s a sort of paradigm shift in the HTML world. Too bad the change is very narrow and solely about grouping DT/DD elements, while generic containers are still not allowed everywhere — e.g. for wrapping LEGEND and FIGCAPTION.