Is dextrose good or bad? - The Blood Sugar Diet by Michael Mosley
Apr 7, 2016 · Dextrose is the name of a simple sugar chemically identical to glucose (blood sugar) that is made from corn. While dextrose is used in baking products as a sweetener, it also has medical purposes. Dextrose is dissolved in solutions that are given intravenously, which can be combined with other drugs, or used to increase a person’s blood sugar.
Corn Sugar vs. Dextrose - Homebrew Talk
Feb 4, 2009 · Dextrose is the chemical name for corn sugar. Reply. Bernie Brewer Grouchy Old Fart. Joined Feb 2, 2006 ...
Specific weight of dextrose? - Homebrew Talk
Dec 24, 2022 · This means that dextrose weighs 45.54 g. per oz (volume). Therefor, if you want 4 oz (weight) which equals 113.4 g. then you would divide your (desired amount of dextrose in g.) by the (weight in g. per oz. in volume) to find how many oz (volume) of dextrose to use. (113.4 / 45.54 = 2.49 oz. (volume))
When to add dextrose - Homebrew Talk
Feb 20, 2012 · Dextrose (corn sugar) is generally used for two purposes in home brewing - 1) Provide additional fermentable sugars to "dry out" your beer / increase alcohol content without altering the flavor profile - using dextrose will affect the body / mouth feel.
Adding Dextrose to Primary Fermenter - Homebrew Talk
Mar 6, 2010 · The recipe calls for 2# dextrose to be added to the boil, which would have raised the OG up over 1.090....but I did not add it to the boil, instead I am waiting to add it to the primary fermenter after most of the maltose has been consumed.
Using Dextrose in Beer? - Homebrew Talk
Jun 11, 2010 · Or, you could boil up a dextrose/water mix, and add to your primary fermenter at high krausen (this is my preferred method). I like to add atleast half a pound of dextrose to my light bodied IPAs, and ive used up to 1.5 pounds (for a 5 gallon batch) with good results.
Dextrose vs Sugar at priming - Homebrew Talk
Apr 23, 2007 · Use dextrose, table sugar is a bad idea. Use 3/4 to 1 cup of dextrose depending on how much carbonation you want... or, like Evan suggested use 1.25-1.5 cup of Dry malt extract (DME). I recommend DME, won't really effect the flavor of your beer at all.
Can I substitute for Dextrose? - Homebrew Talk
Jan 19, 2008 · -Dextrose has only about 80% the potential yield of table sugar, so you'll need less table sugar. -Yeast handle different sugars differently. Dextrose is supposed to impart a smoothness and mildness, while I think sucrose (table sugar) is drier and crisper.
Dextrose substitute - Homebrew Talk
Mar 8, 2012 · Dextrose = a form of glucose, aka d-glucose or corn sugar. Sucrose = a combo of glucose and fructose, aka table sugar. The primary difference is between these sugars have to do with the way they are metabolized. Of the two, dextrose is said to be slightly more easily metabolized by yeast.
Dextrose Added During Boil - Homebrew Talk
Jun 13, 2012 · As mentioned, the dextrose will ferment out - it's purpose is to thin the beer to prevent it from becoming too thick/syrupy. The amount of priming sugar will depend on the maximum temperature reached during primary/secondary fermentation as that will determine the residual CO2 in solution.