Difference between DOSBOX and DOSBOX-X : r/DOS - Reddit
Sep 4, 2021 · DosBox-X is by far my favourite fork of DosBox. The original lacks a lot of stuff and is very rarely updated. Many other forks are abandoned. I consider the worthwhile current ones: DosBox-X, DosBox Staging and DosBox-ECE. Those are in order of most to least new features as I rank them, so depending on what you want should be the one you pick.
DOSBox-X 0.83.3 released (with all-in-one Windows installer)
Jul 4, 2020 · DOSBox-X main developer here: Development is also intended to aid retro DOS development by attempting to emulate the hardware as accurately as possible (to reduce surprises), and all the configuration options are there so you can test your code by changing various things about the DOS and BIOS emulation to see how well it handles the absence or …
DOSBox-X 0.83.14 is now released! : r/dosbox - Reddit
Jun 2, 2021 · DOSBox-X is very feature-rich, and just to name a few of its unique features: support for GUI menu bar & configuration tool (optional), save and load state (up to 100 save slots and also save files), better compatibility with DOS applications and Win3.x/9x, many more DOS commands, Pentium MMX & Pro, printing (virtual or real printer), IDE ...
best build of dosbox? : r/dosbox - Reddit
Nov 25, 2020 · For save states, DOSBox-X supports both save slots (up to 100) and save files. This feature is apparently unique to DOSBox-X at this time, and it has been greatly improved in DOSBox-X and should work fine in most cases. For 3dfx, DOSBox-X supports both internal Voodoo emulation and Glide wrapper. Of course there is more beside gaming.
How to improve my DOSBox emulation performance? : r/dosbox
Aug 1, 2023 · For emulation, the computing power of one core is most important (if DOSBOx uses only one core). Other DOSBox settings may be of much greater importance, such as: memsize fullresolution windowresolution output Check how much RAM you have set in DOSBox. Perhaps the game will run better with output=direct3d.
I made an easy tutorial for those who are new to using DOSBOX
Jul 21, 2022 · Yeah DOSBOX-X is pretty cool. I notice it doesn't always play super well with some games though. Commander Keen for instance does that jerky motion thing in DOSBOX-X but is fine in OG DOSBOX.
Dosbox vs Dosbox-x vs Boxer : r/dosbox - Reddit
Feb 13, 2022 · I have to use all three forks of Dosbox available to me because some games only work on one fork. Dosbox, Dosbox-X, and Dosbox Staging. Carmageddon for example only works on Dosbox Staging. There might be ways to configure everything using only one fork, but it's easier if it just works.
Windows XP in DOSBOX? : r/windowsxp - Reddit
Windows 95 is actually not really built on top of DOS either. It runs its own 32-bit multitasking kernel (VMM32.VXD), and only uses DOS as a bootloader and compatibility layer for old 16-bit drivers. I've never tried NT 3.x or 4.0 on DOSBox, though, but I don't expect them to run.
Windows 98 in Dosbos-x no CD drive : r/dosbox - Reddit
Oct 19, 2020 · You can either mount the ISO in the autoexec, or from DOSBox-X's DOS shell, or from the Drive menu. But mounting host drive won't work once you boot into a guest system, unlike mounting ISO images. You can also mount multiple ISOs to a drive at the same time, e.g. IMGMOUNT D C:\CD1.ISO C:\CD2.ISO
Loading Conf Files - How do I do this? : r/dosbox - Reddit
Jul 13, 2018 · But you can also do it like above where you run the game exe directly in DosBox and let it automatically find the game specific settings by placing dosbox.conf in the same folder as the game. The target of your shortcut will look like this dosbox "C:\Games\Ascendancy\ASCEND.EXE" DosBox will then look for dosbox.conf in the same …