How Emotions Regulate Social Life: The Emotions as Social Information ...
Jun 1, 2009 · To address this question, I draw on research on the interpersonal effects of emotions on behavior in personal relationships, parent–child interactions, conflict, negotiation, and leadership, and propose a new framework that can account for existing findings and guide future research: the emotions as social information (EASI) model.
An Interpersonal Approach to Emotion in Social Decision …
Jan 1, 2010 · The EASI model provides a framework for understanding the effects of an interdependent other's emotional expressions on a decision maker's tendency to move toward, away from, or against that other.
The Emerging View of Emotion as Social Information
May 5, 2010 · Building on this idea, I introduce the emotions as social information (EASI) model. The model posits that emotional expressions influence observers by eliciting affective reactions in them and/or by triggering inferential processes, depending on the observer’s information processing motivation and ability and on social-contextual factors.
The EASI model contributes to the literature in several ways. First, it provides a framework for understanding the interper-sonal effects of emotions. As such, it complements existing models that attempt to explain the intrapersonal effects of emotions (e.g., Forgas, 1995; Schwarz & …
The EASI model (see Fig. 1) is rooted in a social-functional approach to emotion (Frijda, 1986; Keltner & Haidt, 1999; Parkinson, 1996). The premise of this perspective is that, just as mood provides information to the self (Schwarz & Clore, 1983), emotional expressions provide information to observers, which may influence their behavior. The ...
[PDF] How Emotions Regulate Social Life | Semantic Scholar
Jun 1, 2009 · A new integrative theory, the affect infusion model (AIM), is proposed as a comprehensive explanation of these effects of affective states in social judgments, and predicts that judgments requiring heuristic or substantive processing are more likely to be infused by affect than are direct access or motivated judgments.
The theory and application of the Emotions as Social Information (EASI …
We review the application of the EASI model in the fields of leadership, team, customer service, negotiation and persuasion, and summarize the factors influencing the boundary conditions of the EASI model—the degree of information processing and perceived appropriateness based on the analysis of the 63 empirical papers using the EASI model.
An Interpersonal Approach to Emotion in Social Decision …
Jan 1, 2010 · To advance insight into these issues, we present the Emotions as Social Information (EASI) model. The model is grounded in two basic assumptions, namely that individuals use others' emotions to make sense of ambiguous situations, and that the effects of others' emotions and the processes that drive them depend critically on the cooperative or ...
EASI: Van Kleef, G. A. (2009). How emotions regulate
How emotions regulate social life: The emotions as social information (EASI) model. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18(3), 184-188. Source publication
Emotion in Conflict and Negotiation: Introducing the Emotions …
Nov 26, 2007 · The EASI model posits that emotions may exert interpersonal influence via two distinct paths - an informational-strategic path and an affective - relational path.