Using Hornady's ELD Match on deer. - Long Range Only
Sep 10, 2018 · I have a Rem 700 action with a Krieger Barrel that I plan on using on my upcoming Coues Deer hunt this fall. I have a pet load that I've made up for this rifle that shoots great and that I know the drops/wind calls on well. The problem is its using the Hornady 178 ELD Match bullet. Now I know lots of guys use "match" or "target" bullets on game.
6.5 prc - bullet choice for terminal performance - Long Range Only
Sep 7, 2023 · I have a custom 6.5 prc that shoots lights out. It shoots the 156 bergers, 147 ELD-m, and the 143 ELD-x’s well. This rifle is a deer gun, and I only have experience with the ELD-x’s, and it was in a 6.5 creedmoor. What are the pros and cons to …
Hornady 147 ELD M Terminal Performanc / field reports.
Jun 9, 2019 · A 147 ELD M / 6.5 is not going to perform the same as a 225 ELD M. Ask Ryan Avery about the two elk shot at the same time, both equally a little far back. The 30 cal heavy elk never went anywhere, the 6.5 elk was stalked for a long ways to get a finishing shot in. To be clear, I am not saying the 147 ELD M didn't kill.
Hornady ELDM vs ELDX (bullet construction and terminal behavior)
Oct 30, 2022 · The ELD M's killed just fine for us up close. The issue I had with them on deer is , when I waited for the perfect shot and placed it right behind the shoulder on a perfectly broadside deer, it still busted the diaphragm and spewed stomach acid all over the inner loins and rear hams. They are very explosive and the shock wave is incredible.
Hornady 147 ELD-M Bullet Breakdown - Long Range Only
Jul 8, 2023 · HBN coated 147 ELD-M nestled into the neck of a .264 Win mag LOAD CHARACTERISTICS. Loading the 147 ELD-M is pretty straight forward. At this point, there is a lot of data out there. In two rifles I loaded this bullet in, it seemed to shoot well at most seating depths. However, generally, the best performance was at .025” or closer to the lands.
Hornady Eldm 180 gr Hunting - Long Range Only
Mar 20, 2020 · We have used the 180gn ELD-M extensively on game at a muzzle velocity of 3150 to 3250fps, and it works great on deer sized animals from 400yds and beyond. It is also ok on Red stag/Elk bull sized animals but only at the longer ranges - certainly not inside 600 yds and I'd not use it personally inside 800 yards, and I'd be careful of my shot ...
Hornady ELD-M outstanding performance - Long Range Only
Sep 22, 2020 · Update on the 162 eld-M …. 9 days in the Maroon Bells Wilderness - right up the road from my house. Hard to get Early season rifle tag above timberline wilderness hunt. "SENT IT” 840 yards, +17º slope angle - I was at 10,700 buck was at 11,500 hiding in a southwest facing jungle. He gave me a...
Hornady 147 ELD for hunting? - Long Range Only
Mar 16, 2018 · I'm shooting 6.5 creedmoor currently and having lots of fun out to 1000 yards or so, but I'm planing on building a pumped up 6.5 with a 6.5 SS or 6.5 GAP. I have been shooting Bergers, but have switch over to 147 ELD because of higher BC and accuracy is great. I have read a couple of places where the 147 ELD have been used for hunting deer and elk.
143eldx vs.140 berger vld hunting - Long Range Only
Oct 10, 2021 · Can somebody with some insight on both of these bullets tell me if the ELD X seem to do more damage at relatively close yardages inside 300 yds than 140 bergers do. I had never shot a deer inside 350 yards with an eld-x until today and was amazed at the damage that it did. I'm hoping the 140's may be a better choice for overall performance.
Hornaday 140 eld-m for hunting - Long Range Only
Nov 18, 2023 · I choose not to hunt elk with a 6.5, but I have taken a few deer and antelope with the 147 ELD M. I started with an antelope at 821 yards. The 147 M performed great with a nice golf ball sized exit. But the few deer we took closer, like under 500 yards, I was disappointed in the mess they made.