ESSEL - Premium Superstructures | Recovery-Towing-Cranes …
ESSEL is a Slovak manufacturer of premium recovery and towing systems, hydraulic cranes, grabs, skiploaders and further manipulation equipment.
ESSEL Towing — ESSEL - Premium Superstructures | Recovery, …
Premium towing platforms designed for towing of broken or crashed cars.
About Us — ESSEL - Premium Superstructures | Recovery, Towing, …
Since 1921, when the brand was first recognized as a local shop selling farming tools, we have been shaping steel with a scope to deliver innovation and precision to the world of manipulation equipment. Celebrate our 100 year anniversary with our reliable products!
ESSEL | Slovenska lupca - Facebook
ESSEL, Slovenska Lupca. 5,634 likes · 1,312 talking about this · 23 were here. Slovak manufacturer of premium superstructures. Since 1921.
ESSEL - LinkedIn
ESSEL | 448 followers on LinkedIn. A prominent producer of recovery and towing systems, hydraulic cranes and grabs and further manipulation equipment. | Manipulation is our passion. On the roads.
Essel Crane
ESSEL Tronic – novo vyvinutý elektronický systém s ochranou proti preťaženiu HR, kontrolou zdvihovej sily, vizuálnou signalizáciou okamžitých tlakov v jednotlivých okruhoch hydraulického systému, počítadlom pracovných hodín, servisnými a mnohými ďalšími funkciami
SL SLOVAKIA, a. s. // EuropskeFirmy.sk
repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment. tobacco goods. parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines. forestry services.
ESSEL | Professional Recovery Tow Show
https://www.essel.sk/ SL Slovakia, a.s. is a premium producer of recovery and towing systems, hydraulic cranes and grabs and further manipulation equipment designed by its own team of engineers. The company has 101-year history and 170 employees.
Crane — ESSEL - Premium Superstructures | Recovery, Towing, …
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Essel zachránil strojárstvo v Slovenskej Ľupči - Forbes
Mar 20, 2024 · Hrdzavý plot a chátrajúce budovy v údolí potoka Ľupčica v minulosti vzbudzovali ľútosť turistov prechádzajúcich cez Slovenskú Ľupču. Rozľahlý priemyselný areál tu kedysi patril pýche socialistického lesného strojárstva – Strojárňam Štátnych lesov.
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