topic Re: Cant access seller's forum!! Etsy devs - fix it please! in ...
https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Cant-access-seller-s-forum-Etsy-devs-fix-it-please/m-p/145179547#M839266<P>Sure I'm able to be in the forum and create this post.
Item showing wrong price - Welcome to the Etsy Community
Oct 19, 2017 · I have a just listed item showing the wrong price in my store front and also in the search but the correct price once clicked on the listing.
Solved: Mystery Paypal Refund Message - Etsy
Jun 3, 2020 · Hi Everyone, I've recently had a messge from a buyer which has puzzled me. They live in Korea and, because of Covid delays, it took 2 months for their item to get to them. All seemed fine but they then messaged me a little while later with a copy paste seemingly from Paypal to them, saying that th...
Badge "Etsys Auswahl" - Welcome to the Etsy Community
Aug 9, 2021 · Da muss etwas dahinter stehen, irgendetwas PR-mäßiges zwischen Etsy und Verkäufern. Ich werde mal interessehalber bei Etsy anfragen, wie Verkäufer bzw. deren Angebote in die engere "Etsys Auswahl" kommen. Mir ist durchaus klar, das Etsy als Hausherr im Grunde macht (oder machen kann) was er will.
Solved: Starting August 11, tracking will be required for ... - Etsy
Aug 4, 2021 · Re: Starting August 11, tracking will be required for orders $10 or more shipped to a buyer in the U byAdorabilities Community Maker 08-04-202105:25 PM @bradgoodell Yes, Etsy's letter-mail label only costs 4 cents more than putting a stamp on an envelope. Etsy really should have put information about this in the Star-Seller announcement and this most recent shipping …
Gelöst: Betreff: Rechnungserstellung an Kunden - Etsy
Aug 10, 2020 · Hallo Tobias, als Käufer bekommt man von Etsy automatisch einen Beleg über die Bezahlung, zudem kann man sich den Beleg auch später noch jederzeit ausdrucken. Bei meiner letzten Bestellung hatte ich sogar die Wahl zwischen dem Beleg und einer finanzamttauglichen Rechnung. Nun zur Verkäuferperspektiv...
Order in Reserve - Welcome to the Etsy Community
Jan 5, 2022 · Guys, I don't get it! I have an order in reserve and I shipped next day and provided correct tracking. Why??
Polymer Clay Earring - stud glue - Welcome to the Etsy Community
May 26, 2020 · Hi Everyone, We have had an issue with the studs of our earrings falling off during long transits. Any tips on what glue to use and how to make the earrings hold up better? We use a bubble mailer and the earrings are wrapped in tissue paper. we did order cardboard jewelry boxes, but its just so di...
Shop icon not present in new shop layout - Etsy
Apr 7, 2016 · When using Microsoft Edge, my shop icon photo is not present in my new shop layout. When I look at my shop using Chrome, it is there. Any thoughts?
Solved: I FEEL LIKE I'M BEING ROBBED! Between free shippin ... - Etsy
Jan 8, 2020 · So etsy is charging 5% on total sale. I have free shipping so if my product is $9 and I raised the price to $12 to compensate for the free shipping that means Etsy is getting 5% of $12 instead they should be getting 5% of the $9 so I think I am going to get rid of the free shipping. I'm not anywhere near the top of any pages anyway.
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