Spring peeper - Wikipedia
The spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) [3] is a small chorus frog widespread throughout the eastern United States and Canada. [4] . It prefers permanent ponds due to its advantage in avoiding predation; however, it is very adaptable with respect to the habitat it can live in.
Cercopidae - Wikipedia
Cercopidae are the largest family of Cercopoidea, a xylem-feeding insect group, commonly called froghoppers. [2] They belong to the hemipteran suborder Auchenorrhyncha. A 2023 phylogenetic study of the family suggested the elevation of subfamily Ischnorhininae to full family status as Ischnorhinidae, leaving a monophyletic Cercopinae. [3]
Theloderma corticale - Wikipedia
Theloderma corticale (common names: mossy frog, [3] Vietnamese mossy frog, [4] Tonkin bug-eyed frog, moss bug-eyed frog, [2] and [for the formerly recognized Theloderma kwangsiense] Kwangsi warty treefrog) is a species of frog in the family Rhacophoridae.The theloderma corticale is often difficult to identify visually as there are cryptic specie...
Common froghopper - The Wildlife Trusts
Both adults and nymphs feed on plant sap using specialised, sucking mouthparts. The tiny adult common froghopper is very variable in pattern from black and white to many shades of brown; the nymph is green and lives in 'cuckoo-spit' - a frothy mass found on grass and plant stems.
Spittlebugs and Froghoppers - Missouri Department of Conservation
Like aphids, cicadas, leafhoppers, and many other true bugs (in order Hemiptera), spittlebugs and froghoppers jab their strawlike mouthparts into stalks or leaves and suck juices from plants. They usually feed on grasses, goldenrods, or other nonwoody plants, but …
Toad bug | Water-dwelling, Amphibious, Predator | Britannica
Toad bug, (family Gelastocoridae), any of some 100 species of insects in the true bug order, Heteroptera, that resemble tiny frogs. They have short, broad bodies and protruding eyes and capture their prey by leaping upon it. Adults in this family are wingless. Toad bugs are found in all.
Cuckoo spit and fascinating froghoppers (spittlebugs)
Froghoppers are bugs that are found all over the world and are related to cicadas. They hold their wings in a roof shape over their body and have a mouth that can pierce plant stems and suck the sap contained within. What is cuckoo spit and where does it come from?
Froghopper Facts - Softschools.com
Froghopper is an insect that belongs to the group of true bugs. Froghopper can be found around the world. It inhabits densely vegetated areas such as meadows, parks and gardens. Froghoppers are numerous and widespread in the wild.
Cuckoo-Spit Spittlebug Froghoppers sighted at Cabrillo National ...
Feb 19, 2019 · Within the course of several weeks and in the safety of its cuckoo spit foam home, the spittlebug goes through three more stages to become a froghopper. As an adult, the Froghopper is 1/8-1/4 of an inch, is now winged, and is quite the jumper!
Aphrophoridae - bugswithmike.com
The family Aphrophoridae, commonly known as froghoppers or spittlebugs, consists of small, sap-sucking insects. They are known for the distinctive frothy spittle mass produced by nymphs for protection against predators and environmental conditions. Body shape resembles that of a frog.