Federal Employees Health Benefits Plans | GEHA
View your digital ID card anytime, anywhere. Check your plan details on-demand. Use single sign-on for quick access to important resources like MDLIVE and CVS Caremark (for medical members). Search for in-network health or dental providers, hospitals and clinics near you.
G.E.H.A Medicare Advantage Plans | GEHA
G.E.H.A Medicare Advantage Plans, a UnitedHealthcare® G.E.H.A Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) plan simplifies retirement with benefits to fit your life. G.E.H.A members pay only their Medicare Part B premium and their Standard or High premium. Not a G.E.H.A member yet? Enroll in a health plan first. Already a G.E.H.A member?
Network updates for some GEHA members | UHCprovider.com
Effective Jan. 1, 2024, Government Employees Health Association (GEHA) members in the following states will now access the Choice Plus health care professional network* if they’re enrolled in the standard option, high option or high deductible health plans: Some of your patients may be GEHA members in 2024.
Group health insurance for employers | Employer - UnitedHealthcare
Choose from a variety of group health plans and networks made to meet your needs, including open access, high deductible, preferred provider and more. Integrated pharmacy benefits from Optum Rx may help improve health outcomes for your employees and lower your costs.
G.E.H.A members have new ID cards | UHCprovider.com
Jan 16, 2025 · G.E.H.A members have new medical ID cards with updated member ID numbers and group numbers. Due to changes to the claim submission process, it's important to use the information on the new ID card to ensure timely and accurate claim payment. Here's an example of the new ID card:
Federal employee health plans | Employer | UnitedHealthcare
UnitedHealthcare works with the federal government through the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program to provide government employees, annuitants and their families with quality health care coverage.
Drug look-up | Government Employees Health Association | UnitedHealthcare
Feb 28, 2025 · We're here to help. Find the right resources to contact with your questions. If you would like to provide feedback regarding your Medicare Advantage plan, you can contact …
For Providers - GEHA
When you register for a Provider web account, you are establishing a secure, personal web account that offers you access to the following services: When you make an eligibility inquiry, you will see the GEHA health and dental plans that provide benefits to the patient.
For services before Jan. 1, you should submit claims to UnitedHealthcare using the existing process. For services after Jan. 1, you’ll submit claims to G.E.H.A using the following address: Is there a specific network for G.E.H.A? Where can I check the …
MyUHC - Coverage & Benefits - UnitedHealthcare
We do not pay benefits for services not covered, even if it is recommended or prescribed by a doctor and even if it is the only available treatment for your condition. Changes can happen anytime within the plan year and this may significantly impact your healthcare costs.