Gnezdovo - Wikipedia
Gnezdovo or Gnyozdovo (Russian: Гнёздово) is an archeological site located near the village of Gnyozdovo in Smolensky District, Smolensk Oblast, Russia. The site contains extensive remains of a Slavic-Varangian settlement that flourished in the 10th century as a major trade station on the trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks.
Gnezdovo: Norse Varangian Settlement Near Smolensk, Russia
Gnezdovo is a Varangian settlement on the trade route from Scandinavia to the Byzantine Empire. Burial mounds excavated there yield amazing Viking artefacts.
Гнёздовский археологический комплекс — …
Гнёздовский археологический комплекс — крупнейший историко-ландшафтный памятник эпохи викингов и образования древнерусского государства 8 — 11 вв. Он расположен на обоих берегах реки Днепр в 12 км к западу от города Смоленск. Подробнее об объектах памятника и ближайшей округи можно посмотреть здесь.
Gnyozdovo - Wikipedia
Gnyozdovo (Russian: Гнёздово) is a village in Smolensky District, Smolensk Oblast, Russia, located on the right bank of the Dnieper River twelve kilometers downstream from Smolensk, in the proximity of Katyn.
Гнёздово (археологический комплекс) — Википедия
Гнёздовский археологический комплекс — комплекс археологических памятников эпохи Киевской Руси и археологический заповедник в Смоленской области России. Расположен на обоих берегах Днепра у деревни Гнёздово (от которой название комплекса) в 11—15 км к западу от центра Смоленска (частично входит в черту города) [1][2].
Historical-archeological and natural reserve museum "Gnezdovo"
Gnezdovo complex, a monument of the era of the Vikings and the period of formation of the old Russian state, is the largest burial mound of early medieval epoch (IX-X CC.) in Europe. The most famous part of Gnezdovo complex are burial mounds, which form 8 barrows groups.
Gnezdovo - Encyclopedia.com
Located in the Upper Dnepr River, thirteen kilometers west of Smolensk, Gnezdovo was a key portage and transshipment point along the "Route to the Greeks" in the late ninth through the early eleventh centuries.
The history of Gnezdovo studies commenced more than 125 years ago, but only in the late forties of the 20th century it had become rather regular and purposeful. The nucleus of the comple,. is comprised of the central hill fort surrounded by a settlement and cemetery with more than 3000 mounds, divided into
Gnezdovo, Gnyozdovo, Russia - SpottingHistory
Gnezdovo or Gnyozdovo contains extensive remains of a Slavic-Varangian settlement that flourished in the 10th century as a major trade station on the trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks. The settlement declined in the early years of the 11th century, simultaneously with other Varangian tra ...
Гнёздово — Гнёздовский археологический комплекс
At the watershed between the Baltic and the Pontic before Gnezdovo // From Goths to Varangians. Communication and cultural exchange between the Baltic and the Black sea. Denmark.