Will Iron Lad be replaced by Ironheart in the MCU? : …
Oct 16, 2022 · Iron Lad wasn’t in the Young Avengers for very long at all before going back to his own time. I mean it’s possible that RiRi Williams could be a Kang variant in the MCU but Iron Lad and Iron Heart are very different characters. So I wouldn’t say it would be overkill to have them both if Iron Lad is only here for a short period of time.
My thoughts on Harley Keener and Iron Lad. : r/marvelstudios
Sep 16, 2020 · Making Harley Keener Iron Lad isn't just "not comic-book accurate" but more "bad fanfiction". You know the kind where the self insert OC is Harry's godfather instead of Sirius Black or some other crazy shit like that. The whole point of …
Iron Lad or High Evolutionary? : r/MarvelSnap - Reddit
May 2, 2023 · Iron Lad without Howard is a casino praying game Iron Lad + Howard is busted Howard makes Jubilee OP Revolutionary is gonna be quite good and always remember... you DON'T NEED to use ALL evolved cards with him... he's not Thanos that's stuck with 6 cards All 3 cards are good...
I really hope they intro Iron Lad into the MCU : r/marvelstudios
Mar 23, 2022 · His origin is a bit convoluted in the comics but he would be a very interesting addition to the MCU. If I'm right Iron Lad is Nathaniel Richards who in the main timeline is Reeds father but in his own universe its the other way around. I could definitely be wrong but I think it would be fun to see how the Marvel writers play with this character.
What are the best cards for Absorbing Man/Iron Lad to copy?
Aug 17, 2023 · Iron Lad is mostly "haven't pulled Wong or Black Panther yet" insurance for me. Hitting BP with IL is chef's kiss. I used to run Abs there as well, but it's a negative deck, so no dice since the "buff". I also use both in my Gambit deck. I can get like 6 procs if Iron Lad scans Gambit in the Wong lane, then I play Gambit and Absorbing Man in ...
Iron Lad is way too good. : r/MarvelSnap - Reddit
May 10, 2023 · Cards like Jubilee and White Queen also seem useless with how strong Iron Lad's effect is that's completely untrue. Jubilee pulls the next card, she's there to cheat out a big card for 4 energy, Iron Lad is useless if he copies Hulk/ Infinaut. White Queen is there to get intel on your opponent's hand. He's absolutely not a substitute for them.
Iron Lad Feels good to play but horrible to lose too
Dec 30, 2023 · Posted by u/Queasy-Enthusiasm831 - No votes and 2 comments
Iron Lad or High Evolutionary? Opinions. : r/MarvelSnapDecks
May 31, 2023 · Iron Lad: my most recent buy and he is very much a premium-type card. As most have noted, he can make good decks, better. I don’t have Zabu, which you do, and it seems like he would work better in decks that run Zabu in order to get him out on turn 3 or in combination with another card on turns 4 or later.
Deck Improvements for Iron Lad Ongoing : r/marvelsnapcomp
Jul 19, 2023 · Your god tier draw is having Quinjet, Zabu and a solid turn 3 play (Iron Lad, Coulson, maybe Fury or Rock Slide). Don't be afraid to aggressively snap those hands. A good 5 and 6 play if you have Zabu down is Devil on 5 and Mystique & Fury on 6. An unexpected surge of power that few suspect
Is 6000 tokens for Iron Lad worth it? : r/MarvelSnap - Reddit
Aug 7, 2023 · Compare Iron Lad to the rest of Series 4 and 5 cards that you still don't have, including the data mined spoilers. Is he the card that you really want over any card like say [[X-23]] or [[Alioth]]? If yes, go and get him since you're not looking to buy anything else.