コネクタ メーカー JAE 日本航空電子工業
Connectors - JAE Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd.
Since our establishment in 1953, we at JAE, under the corporate philosophy of "Explore, Create and Practice", have successfully developed and globally expanded our three core business areas of connectors, user interface related devices, and aviation electronics supported by our outstanding development capability in innovative and creative ...
Connectors - JAE Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd.
JAE has developed various types of connectors for wide range of application. For PCs and mobile devices, we have line up of interface connectors, board to board connectors, and card connectors. For automotive market, we have line up of connectors for general electrical components, electric vehicles, ADAS, and connected cars.
Connectors - JAE Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd.
JAE supports a wide range of markets and applications with various types of connectors. From EV charging to wearable technology, our products are rigorously tested to meet various standards and specifications for each industry.
Corporate Data - JAE Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd.
JAE Group Charter of Corporate Behavior; Sustainability Policy; Contribution to Society by Co-creation with Customers
Business Overview | Connectors - JAE Japan Aviation Electronics ...
JAE Group Green Procurement Guideline Sustainability. JAE Group Charter of Corporate Behavior. Sustainability Policy. Contribution to Society by Co-creation with Customers. CONNECTED SOCIETY. SAFE MOBILITY. CLEAN ENERGY. INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION. AIR, SPACE AND OCEAN. Fair and Honest Corporate Activities.
本社・支店・営業所・事業所 | コネクタ メーカー JAE 日本航空電 …
Connectors - JAE Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd.
JAE Group Charter of Corporate Behavior; Sustainability Policy; Contribution to Society by Co-creation with Customers
D-sub中継接続のポイント | コネクタ メーカー JAE 日本航空電子 …
2025/01/27. 角型コネクタ. 中継コネクタ. D-sub中継接続におけるポイントを解説. 複数のユニットで構成される大型の装置では、それぞれのユニットに共通のD-subコネクタを使用するケースがあります。
Motion Sensing & Control | Connectors - JAE Japan Aviation …
JAE is a world leading supplier of technically advanced avionics products. Developments include market leading inertial navigation technology which is embedded in inertial navigation and guidance systems.