Jay Parini - Wikipedia
Jay Parini (born April 2, 1948) is an American writer and academic. He is known for novels, poetry, biography, screenplays and criticism. He has published novels about Leo Tolstoy, Walter Benjamin, Paul the Apostle, Herman Melville, and a novelized memoir about his road trip with Jorge Luis Borges.
Jay Parini
Jay Parini is a poet, novelist, biographer, and critic. He is the author of over 20 books, ranging from poetry and non-fiction to biographies as well as collections of essays.
Jay Parini | Middlebury College
In this workshop we will read the topographies of poems, focusing on lyrical cities from Paris to Harlem, Thoreauvian ambles through woods and field, and other literary wanderings and linguistic itinerancies, in order to examine how language gets made and mirrored in …
Bio - Jay Parini
Jay Parini was born in 1948 in Pittston, Pennsylvania, and he was raised in Scranton. He graduated from both Lafayette College and the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where he received a Ph.D. in 1975. His six books of poetry include New and Collected Poems, 1975-2015 and The Art of Subtraction.
About Jay Parini - Academy of American Poets
Jay Parini - The Academy of American Poets is the largest membership-based nonprofit organization fostering an appreciation for contemporary poetry and supporting American poets. Jay Parini has published multiple collections of poetry, …
Books — Jay Parini
Jay Parini brings a life’s worth of contemplation on Jesus to the first volume in ICONS, a series of brief, thought-provoking biographies edited by James Atlas.
Jay Parini | The Poetry Foundation
Poet, novelist, biographer, editor, and critic Jay Parini was born in Pittston, Pennsylvania, and raised in Scranton. He earned a BA at Lafayette College and a PhD at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
Jay Parini (Author of The Last Station) - Goodreads
Jay Parini (born 1948) is an American writer and academic. He is known for novels and poetry, biography and criticism.
Books by Jay Parini (Author of The Last Station) - Goodreads
Jay Parini has 180 books on Goodreads with 54517 ratings. Jay Parini’s most popular book is The Last Station: A Novel of Tolstoy's Last Year.
“You Want to Possess the Words”: Jay Parini on Why We Can’t …
May 15, 2024 · Jay Parini, the D. E. Axinn Professor of English and Creative Writing at Middlebury College, is a poet, novelist, biographer, and critic. He is the author of Robert Frost: A Life , Why Poetry Matters , and Borges and Me: An Encounter , among many other works of nonfiction.