Lina Joy - Wikipedia
Lina Joy is a Malay convert from Islam to Christianity. Born Azlina Jailani on 28 July 1964 [ 1 ] in Malaysia to Muslim parents of Javanese descent, [ 2 ] she converted at age 26. The Lina Joy case sparkled a debate about apostasy in Malaysia, [ 3 ] and her failed legal attempt to not have her religion listed as "Islam" on her identity card is ...
Once Muslim, Now Christian and Caught in the Courts
Aug 24, 2006 · A leading Malaysian civil rights lawyer, Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, who is Muslim, has advocated for Lina Joy, a Malay who converted from Islam to Christianity and now wants to marry.
Lina Joy v. Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan - Becket
The story of Lina Joy is a poignant illustration of what happens when the government rejects the notion that individual conviction and choice have a role in religious belief. Lina Joy was born into an ethnic Malay, Muslim family but was led by conscience to convert to Catholicism in 1990.
Lina Joy - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas
Lina Joy (lahir Azlina Jailani; lahir 28 Julai 1964) merupakan wanita Melayu Malaysia yang mengaku telah murtad (keluar dari agama Islam) dan memeluk agama Kristian Katolik. Lantaran itu beliau cuba menggugurkan perkataan Islam daripada kad pengenalan MyKad yang dimilikinya.
High Court declares Selangor-born woman ‘not a Muslim’, says her ...
Apr 4, 2022 · [In the Lina Joy case, a Malay woman named Azlina Jailani who had renounced Islam succeeded — on her second attempt — in getting the NRD to change her name on the identity card, but found that the new identity card carried the word “Islam” and her original name on the reverse side.
Malaysian woman born to Muslim father and Buddhist mother …
Feb 5, 2021 · Lina Joy’s case was one where a Malay who was initially a Muslim had renounced Islam and had went to the civil courts as the National Registration Department had refused to change her identity card details to remove the word “Islam” and insisted that she produce a Shariah court order on her renunciation of Islam.
Malaysian Court Refuses to Recognize Woman’s Conversion to Christianity
May 30, 2007 · The ruling exhausted the last appeal of Lina Joy, who, after being baptized a Roman Catholic in May 1998, wanted to remove the word “Islam” from her identity card in order to marry her Catholic...
Malaysia: woman fights for right to convert – Religioscope
Oct 18, 2004 · Lina Joy appealed against Judge Faiza’s 2001 ruling on the grounds that the Malaysian constitution guarantees freedom of religion. By doing this, she hoped to circumvent the sharia court. Article 11 of the constitution guarantees Malaysian citizens the right to adopt the religion of their choice.
Lina Joy: A case of state-minded religion | asia! Magazine
They should first take a look at what happened to a woman called Lina Joy in their southern neighbour, Malaysia. To many outside of Malaysia, Joy is the most famous Christian convert. Inside of Malaysia she is on record a Muslim.
Recap: Malaysia’s most controversial religious conversion cases
Feb 20, 2022 · Lina Joy. Among the significant cases in Malaysia, one involving a Muslim converting to Christianity, is the case of Lina Joy, who was born a Muslim with the name Azlina Jailani. In 1998 she converted to Christianity to marry her Christian boyfriend but was legally unable to do so seeing that her identification card (IC) stated that she is a ...