Tb newer diagnostics | PPT - SlideShare
Apr 18, 2017 · The document provides an overview of Mycobacterium Growth Indicator Tubes (MGIT) and Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST). It discusses the principles of MGIT, including how fluorescence indicates bacterial growth.
• The set consists of a drug-free growth control MGIT tube (GC) and one MGIT tube for each drug, as well as a bar-coded tube carrier that holds the set • A known concentration of drug is added to a MGIT tube, along with the specimen • Growth of the specimen added to the drug containing tube is
Diagnosis of Tuberculosis | PPT - SlideShare
Dec 23, 2014 · It describes several technologies used for TB diagnosis, including light-emitting diode (LED) microscopy, liquid culture methods like MGIT, and nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) like Xpert MTB/RIF.
Jun 8, 2013 · An Impact of Biofield Treatment: Antimycobacterial Susceptibility Potential Using BACTEC 460/MGIT-TB System. The aim was to evaluate the impact of biofield treatment modality on mycobacterial strains in relation to antimycobacterials susceptibility. 81 views • 5 slides
Positive signals of MGIT cultures in the BACTEC 960 system
An flow chart of the identification of Mycobacterial species from clinical specimens by combined rpoB duplex PCR (DPCR) and hsp65 PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism analysis (PRA)
Laboratory diagnosis of Tuberculosis gs | PPT - SlideShare
Aug 16, 2016 · It describes several technologies used for TB diagnosis, including light-emitting diode (LED) microscopy, liquid culture methods like MGIT, and nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) like Xpert MTB/RIF.
PPT - Laboratory Diagnosis of Tuberculosis PowerPoint Presentation ...
Nov 6, 2011 · The MGIT 960 System The MGIT 960 system is a non-radiometeric automated system that uses the MGIT media & sensors to detect the fluorescence. Advantages: -The system holds 960 plastic tubes which are continuously monitored. - Early detection as the machine monitoring & reading the tubes every hour.
DR.RAGHAVENDRA.H.GOBBUR - ppt video online download
21 II Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT) Tube contains modified Middle brook 7H9 broth base with OADC enrichment & PANTA antibiotic mixture. All types of clinical specimens, pulmonary as well as extra-pulmonary ( except blood ) could be cultured on this type of media.
Bactec Mgit 960 Culture | PDF | Tuberculosis | Biology - Scribd
BACTEC MGIT 960 CULTURE - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document discusses the use of the BACTEC MGIT 960 culture system for diagnosing tuberculosis at laboratories in Zambia.
#1: What did you take into consideration when choosing which method to select for your laboratory? #2: What was your approach to validation or verification? Please discuss the reference/comparator methods and number and type of strains …