Ajisa - Dragon Ball Wiki
Ajisa (アジッサ, Ajissa), called Hydrangea Plants in the Viz version of the Dragon Ball manga, is a plant on Namek. Ajisa trees originate on Namek in the Second Demon World. When the …
Namek - Dragon Ball Wiki
Namek (ナメック 星 せい Namekku-sei, lit. "Planet Namek") is a planet in a trinary star system [3] located at coordinates 9045XY within Universe 7. [4] . It is the home planet of the Nameless …
Ajisa | Alien Species | Fandom
Ajisa is a species of tree-like plant-analog on Planet Namek. While the planet was once teeming with the trees, the crop was devastated by a giant storm in Age 261 that ravaged the planet …
Namekian - Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
"People from Planet Namek"), also commonly known as Nameks (ナメック人, Namekku-jin, lit. "Namek People"), are a race originating from the Demon Realm. They exist in both Universe 6 …
Ajissa Trees - Animated Character Database
Ajisa (アジッサ Ajissa), called Hydrangea Plants in the Viz version of the Dragon Ball manga, is a plant on Namek. These crops were destroyed by a giant storm that ravaged the planet in Age …
Ajisa Trees - Dragon Ball Online Wiki
Ajisa trees were a type of tree that grew on planet Namek. Those trees were promenant in both North and South Porunga Rocks when the now homeless nakeina ssettled there. Some were …
Ajissa - Dragon Ball Encyclopedia, the Dragon Ball wiki
The Ajissa (アジッサ, Ajissa; FUNimation "Ajisa", Viz "Hydrangea Plant") is a tree that grows on Planet Namek.
Are Namekians Actually Plants? An In-depth Exploration
Jul 21, 2024 · Despite our knowledge, many mysteries about Namekians remain. Their names are derived from snails and slugs, with plants like the Ajissa tree being named after hydrangeas. …
The Secret Behind the Namekian Plants: How They Grow Ajisa and …
In this article, we will explore the type of plant that the Namekians cultivate, how they do it, and why it matters for them and their planet. We will also look at some of the sources and …
What Type of Plant Do We Cultivate Here? A Guide for Dragon
Dec 5, 2023 · The type of plant that is cultivated on Planet Namek is called Ajisa, and it is a vital part of the Namekian culture and ecology. Ajisa is the only type of plant that grows on Planet …
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