KOSO – Our Creativity is Our Pride. Nihon KOSO has grown to …
The website of the KOSO Group, led by Nihon KOSO Co., Ltd. KOSO provides high quality technologies, products and services, armed with truly unique “Made in KOSO” solutions, inspired by originality.
Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd., a full-line supplier of Automation System.
Introduction of diversified KOSO control valves that contribute to process automation in various fields of industry.
Category of Products | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
Introducing varieties of products of KOSO, providing reliability and achievements, as KOSO made great contributions to process automation in trades of various kinds through development and supply of control valves since it was founded, including sensors and controllers, with focus on control valve products.
Associated company in Japan | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
KOSO Nihombashi Bldg.,1-16-7 Nihombashi Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0027 Japan TEL 03-5202-4300 FAX 03-5202-4301
Location | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
KOSO Nihombashi Bldg.,1-16-7 Nihombashi Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0027 Japan TEL: 81-3-5202-4300 FAX: 81-3-5202-4301
Company Outline | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd. Foundation November 1 1965 Establishment February 1 1977 Capital 48000000yen President Yuichi Ikegaya Member of a company Non-Consolidated: 150, Consolidated: 2500 Main Banks Mitsui-Sumitomo Bank Mizuho Bank Description of business
CL420: Lock Valves | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
Used for shut off, switching, or locking of instrumental air circuit (air relay).
501G/550G: Cage Guided Control Valves | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
For those severe fluid conditions that cannot be covered by this Series, please select KOSO velocity control trim type.
Inquiry | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
The inquiry, the estimate, the question, etc. are received. We will start to operate a new registration system for your inquiry and access to our download service on the 5th of November.
400H: Parallel Slide Valves | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
Parallel slide has KOSO's own design/construction to realize very good and firm metal-to-metal touch sealing performance. Its execellent shut-off performance, brought about by the metal-to-metal sealing, makes it suitable to a variety of severe services, including emergency shut-off/opening at extremely low to high temperature.