Solved: ORIGIN 2 FACTOR LOGIN - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
hi there this is my secondary account my main account was hacked [edit: email address removed] i am constantly being denied access to my account for the last 12 months the reason being that when i log in to Origin, the two factor Login asks me for a security code, but i …
Why my Origin downloads so slow?? - EA Answers HQ
Make sure Origin and The Sims is added to your anti-virus exceptions list. Right-clicking on the Origin desktop shortcut and running it administrator can help bypass download issues, too. When you open up the Origin client, select Origin in the top left>Application Settings>Check your download restrictions to see if you have your download rate ...
Re: Play Origin games on two computers - EA Answers HQ
1.Go to Origin. 2.Log with the account, you first registered your game on. 3.Go to "My Games" section of origin. 4.Press your game icon. 5.Press download. 6.When it is finished, install it and update it and you are all set to go. For expansions: 1.Go to Origin. 2.Log with the account, you first registered your game on. 3.Go to "My Games ...
Solved: Origin Download progression resetting - Answer HQ - EA …
Origin seems to have a problem where the download progression keeps resetting. i.e. it can be at 10% and then all of a sudden it jumps back to 2%. There is a known work around but sometimes it gets to only a few megabytes before resetting again (between 428 and 410 on a looping cycle).
"failed to get token from origin" and origin keeps going offline …
"failed to get token from origin" and origin keeps going offline and online continuously "failed to get token from origin" appears very frequently, every one or two games.i have to end apex from the task manager. After i do this, origin starts acting …
sims 4 update error 1966 13:200 from origin - EA Answers HQ
Run a Repair of the game client. To do this, right-click the game panel in Origin and choose the Repair option. Make sure that you run Origin and the game as administrator; Check that you do not have any programs running that my cause conflict with Origin
[READ FIRST] Common Issues and Solutions - Page 2 - Answer HQ
2. navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Electronic Arts -> EA Games -> Generals]-> ergc 3. check that your product key is shown there as a value for REG_SZ 4. copy and paste your product key to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Electronic Arts -> EA Games -> Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour -> ergc
Need for Speed Shift 2 Unleashed stürzt ab - Answer HQ - EA …
Hallo, habe mir bei Origin Need for Speed Shift 2 Unleashed gekauft und installiert. Ich kann das Siel auch starten, jedoch stürzt es ab sobald ein Rennen geladen wird. Betriebssystem ist Windows 10 Pro
Purchased game/DLC available on Origin but not the EA app - EA …
If you believe that you're missing games or downloadable content (DLCs) in the EA app that you previously had in Origin, it's crucial to confirm that you're signed in with the correct EA account in the EA app before proceeding to contact Customer Service Team for additional assistance. Taking this simple step will help streamline the support ...
Anthem. Launch issues and game ownership with EA App. - EA …
So to sum up, instal old version of origin, play anthem. Then you have to unistal origin to keep it from forcing an update. Instal it again and play anthem once again, and repeat.