html - Pause an external SVG animation - Stack Overflow
Aug 15, 2017 · You can pause an SVG using document.getElementById("mysvg").pauseAnimations(). However that only seems to work for inline SVGs. Is there any way to pause an SVG animation that is included using &l...
Beginning and pausing SVG animations on hover - Stack Overflow
Aug 6, 2014 · I would like to animate the gears on the following SVG when the user hovers over it. That is, when the mouse enters, both gears begin rotating where they left off. When the mouse leaves, the gears ...
External Play Pause Button Swap SVG & Text on State Change
What I want to do is a state change, so that if the "> Play" is displayed on the button, and the user clicks the button to play, that the SVG, and text swaps to "|| Pause" (using a different SVG and text). And then reverses back if the button is clicked again.
SVG.JS - How to play + pause SVG animation on hover?
Sep 16, 2019 · I moved the animation under the mouseover function, and changed circle.finish() to circle.pause() -- however it still won't resume the animation when I mouseover the element for the 2nd time. See updated code in the original post.
html - SVG animation delay on each repetition - Stack Overflow
Jul 29, 2015 · If you want your animation to alternate (similar to what animation-direction: alternate; does in CSS), and you want to have a different delay for the initial/start/first repetition vs subsequent repetitions, here I provide two workarounds.
javascript - How should I pause an SVG animation to remain with a ...
Sep 6, 2018 · I have never worked with SVG's before. I have one here I'd like to pause its transition and maintain a static image after all the previous animations have successfully loaded, I have tried most CSS animation rules but none has worked well.
how to stop an svg css animation? - Stack Overflow
I have an SVG animation and I'm trying to figure out how to stop and leave the SVG in view right after the animation sequence is completed once. This way the logo stays on the page until the next page refresh etc.
How to stop SVG animation on click? - Stack Overflow
Jun 30, 2022 · I have an svg animation, I want to be able to stop/pause the animation on click but I can't figure out how and I need help, I tried to toggle but I think I have to toggle each line which I don't know how to.
pause/resume svg animation on android webview - Stack Overflow
Nov 24, 2020 · svg.animation-on * { animation-iteration-count: infinite; } svg.animation-off * { animation-iteration-count: 0; } remove any other animation-iteration-count settings from existing stylesheet Use javascript to set the appropriate class animation-on …
javascript - Freeze svg animation by click - Stack Overflow
Mar 17, 2022 · Pause SVG animation after 1 full rotation. 1. how to hide svg element after animation. 5. SVG animation ...