Mini Pig Veterinarian Map: Sorted By Area
Trying to find a vet that will see pigs has been one of the biggest challenges for most people. This map was created using the list from the main pig vet page, but updated with current address and phone numbers.
Veterinarians that see pigs - PAL (Pig Advocates League)
Make sure you have a vet that will see pigs because they do get sick, they do get hurt and you need to spay/neuter, so regardless of what care you think a pig may need, a veterinarian that is agreeable to see your pig can sometimes be the difference between life and death.
Veterinarians Willing To See Mini Pigs - Mini Pig Info
Ask questions, find out how comfortable your veterinarian is with caring for a mini pig. Find out about their availability, emergency plans, whether or not they're able to come to your home, etc.
Veterinary Care – North American Pet Pig Association
Choosing a veterinarian to treat your potbellied pig is critical to the care and well being of your pet pig. Selecting a vet is similar to and as important as choosing your child’s pediatrician. This choice should be made in advance of any medical emergency that might arise.
The Veterinarian & Your Pig – North American Pet Pig Association
Veterinary care for your pet pig is imperative. Just as you seek out professional care for yourself and your children, your pet potbellied pig has the same needs. Many veterinarians recommend your pig be seen twice a year for grooming needs, check ups, vaccinations and worming.
AASV - American Association of Swine Veterinarians
It is the mission of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians to: increase the knowledge of swine veterinarians; protect and promote the health and well-being of pigs; advocate science-based approaches to veterinary, industry, and public health issues
Swine Vet Center
You need to understand biosecurity, pig flow, transportation, building design, ventilation, economics, compliance measures and more. You need a team of swine veterinarians that responds quickly and offers creative, practical, science-based …
Veterinary Care for Mini-Pigs | VCA Animal Hospitals
Most veterinarians agree that, at minimum, pet piglets should be vaccinated against the bacteria that cause erysipelas, leptospirosis, and tetanus. Other vaccines available for mini-pigs include: Vaccinations usually start at 8-12 weeks of age, boosters are given a …
Mar 7, 2025 · Today, Pipestone Veterinary Services has thirty-four veterinarians and six clinic locations. Whether it’s your pet, cattle, or swine herd, their care has remained our top priority. Pipestone PART assists farmers with monitoring and tracking antibiotic usage in swine.
Pigs - Uinta Veterinary Services
At Uinta Veterinary Services, we provide comprehensive care for pigs to ensure their health and well-being. Our services include: Routine health examinations; Vaccinations; Parasite control to prevent common diseases. Specialized reproductive services, including breeding soundness exams and pregnancy checks, to support optimal herd productivity.