Community Round-Up: December 13th, 2012 - Star Wars: The Old …
[Jung Ma] The Nar Shaddaa FIGHT CLUB! (RP-PvP Event): “WARNING: The following announcement may contain content that is not suitable for girly-men. Viewer discretion is advised. Coming Soon!: The Nar Shaddaa FIGHT CLUB. Monday nights; 9pm, near the Violet Lounge.”
Dev Tracker Summary: June 19, 2012 through June 25, 2012 | Star …
Jun 19, 2012 · European RP-PvP Transfers. Senior Community Coordinator Allison Berryman announced transfers from the three European RP-PvP servers to destination PvP servers. Online Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez gave a little more insight on how that decision was made.
Community News - Star Wars: The Old Republic
The cantina is located on Nar Shaddaa, and it will remain strictly RP (PvP is impossible in there). Drinks and food are on the house! The party will start Wednesday, August 1st at 8pm EST.” SWTOR Subreddit. We are adding a new section to the weekly Round-Up highlighting some of the interesting posts on the SWTOR subreddit on Reddit. If you ...
Developer Blogs - Star Wars: The Old Republic
Sep 27, 2012 · We also have collaborations with other guilds to engage in RP-PvP events once in a while which can be very fun. We do our best to organize our members combining both guild and community goals with player’s goals to reach a common ground and have the best experience possible, accomplishing goals while having a good time with our friends.
Community Round-Up: November 29th, 2012 - Star Wars: The Old …
Welcome! It’s time for the Community Round-Up. Each week, we scour the forums, fan sites, and reddit, finding some of the most interesting discussions in the community as well as player-created events happening on certain servers in The Old Republic™.
Guild Spotlight: Jen'jidai - Star Wars: The Old Republic
We also have collaborations with other guilds to engage in RP-PvP events once in a while which can be very fun. We do our best to organize our members combining both guild and community goals with player’s goals to reach a common ground and have the best experience possible, accomplishing goals while having a good time with our friends.
Launch FAQ - Star Wars: The Old Republic
The Friends of Star Wars: The Old Republic Trial is an opportunity offered to current and active players that have passed at least one billing cycle, to invite three (3) of their friends that have never played Star Wars: The Old Republic to participate in a seven (7)-day free trial.
Dev Tracker Summary: June 12, 2012 through June 18, 2012 | Star …
Jun 12, 2012 · European RP-PvP. Joveth asked the European RP-PvP community for input on handling server transfers for these server types, unique in having so few servers. He returned to let the players know that we are considering options here and here .