RUAG Space USA Electronics Catalog by RUAGUSA - Issuu
Apr 12, 2021 · RUAG’s basic radiator designs are quadrifilar helices, waveguide radiators, horns and patch excited cups depending on frequency range, coverage requirements and application.
PODRIX, the RUAG Space multi-constellation (GPS, GALILEO) multi-frequency GNSS receiver for LEO applications provides excellent on-board real-time navigation with an accuracy of below 20cm with the optional Precise Point Positioning (PPP) software upgrade.
L-band patch excited cup | satsearch
Satellites and subsystems > Communication systems > Antennas > L-band patch excited cup Key highlights This radiator type can be used either as a free-standing medium-gain antenna for telemetry and telecommand as in the Smart-1 and LCROSS moon missions or as a radiator element in large array antennas for mobile communications as in ICO or ...
An S-band patch-excited cup antenna at RUAG. - ResearchGate
In this article, a compact multiband antenna design and analysis is presented with a view of ensuring efficient uplink/downlink communications at the same time from a single antenna for CubeSat...
RUAG International | RUAG
RUAG develops valuable innovations and internationally sought-after cutting-edge technology in the fields of aerospace and defence.
An S-band patch antenna at SSTL [21. - ResearchGate
A hybrid perturbation scheme is used in this paper to achieve wide axial ratio (AR) bandwidth and beamwidth from circularly polarized (CP) microstrip patch-ring antennas using a single probe...
RUAG Space products - satsearch
Browse thousands of space products on the marketplace, organized by category and supplier. Featuring space technologies from across the globe.
S-band fill-in coverage patch antenna - satsearch
Satellite > Communication > Antenna > S-band fill-in coverage patch antenna Summary This radiator type can be used either as a free-standing medium-gain antenna for telemetry and telecommand.
b. A GPS patch-excited cup antenna at RUAG. - ResearchGate
A hybrid perturbation scheme is used in this paper to achieve wide axial ratio (AR) bandwidth and beamwidth from circularly polarized (CP) microstrip patch-ring antennas using a single probe...
PAS 610S (24") Separation System - CubeSatShop.com
The load capability of the RUAG PAS 610S Separation System is fully compatible with the Moog CSA ESPA and environments from the ESPA Rideshare User’s Guide (ESPA RUAG). The Separation System includes a low shock clamp band separation system, interface rings, umbilical connection and a separation spring set.