Reread or re-read | Learn English - Preply
Reread (solid) and re-read (hyphenated) are used in equal measure in all sorts of writing. Once you use one version, stick to it throughout the copy. The modern trend is to go less on internal word hyphenations -- but there are exceptions, of course."
Learn English through story: 15 classic books for all skill levels
Sep 5, 2024 · That’s because you can control how fast you want to take in the information you’re studying. You can re-read, skip or stop and check sentences at your leisure. You could even try using audiobooks, if you enjoy them. This can be an excellent way to practice your English listening skills, and pick up vocabulary on the go.
Study shows the most savage ways to begin or end an email - Preply
May 30, 2024 · The same goes for exclamation points, as 48% regularly re-read emails and remove exclamation points, while 25% re-read emails and add them. Some unwritten rules generate more agreement. Nearly 2 in 3 (65%) of our respondents want people to stop using “Sent from my phone, please excuse typos.”