Character Stuck in Combat - Blizzard Support
Example - Rogue's Vanish, Hunter's Feign Death, Mage's Invisibility; Have an enemy defeat your character, or jump down from a very high point to kill the character to remove combat that way; If you can, use a hearthstone toy to leave the dungeon; Perform a "soft reset" of the dungeon by logging out of World of Warcraft for for 30 minutes
Can't Complete Quest Objectives - He Was My Student
Changing your default UI look to "Classic" may assist, this will change any custom UI you currently use, so please be sure to save that as a template first. Access the in-game menu (default hot key ESC) Choose Edit Mode; Save your custom UI if needed, by clicking Save and entering a name for the Preset; Change Layout to Classic (Preset)
Rogue Poison Not Granted After Quest - Blizzard Support
There are two quests that are needed to obtain Poisons for your Rogue, and both have the same name. The quest that rewards the skill to craft potions is Hinotts Assistance. Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Poisons do not require a skill, but are sold from vendors in most quest hubs, ready-made, by Reagent, Supply & Poison vendors.
Appearance Doesn't Show in the Transmog Wardrobe
A druid wouldn't be able to unlock the appearance of an item that was rogue-specific, even if the item was leather. Any refund or trade timer has expired. For alt characters, you will not see the item in your Wardrobe until the timer has expired, even if your main character can see it.
Resetting the WoW User Interface - Blizzard Support
Resetting your UI to default settings can resolve various display and interface issues. Before performing ...
Black Screen in Diablo IV - Blizzard Support
Common Problems. I teleported to town and got a black screen. I got a black screen when I logged into Diablo IV.
Avowed Technical Troubleshooting - Blizzard Support
Comprehensive troubleshooting for any technical issue you encounter that does not have its own support article
オーバーウォッチ 2 が起動しない - ブリザードサポート
関連記事 オーバーウォッチ2ベータ版で所有されているコスメティックが不足しています
Unable to Transmog Legendary Daggers - Blizzard Support
The Appearances for the legendary rogue daggers are unique for both the Main Hand item and Off Hand item. The Main Hand Appearance can only apply to daggers equipped in the Main Hand gear slot, while the Off Hand Appearance can only apply to …
「オーバーウォッチ 2」テクニカルトラブルシューティング - ブ …