SCP-5991 - SCP Foundation
Nov 10, 2023 · SCP-5991-1 is a pale, emaciated entity with no orifices besides its mouth. SCP-5991-1 has no teeth, does not possess eye sockets nor eyes, and is wearing a crown of thorns. SCP-5991-1 will approach the subject and unhinge its own jaw.
SCP-5991 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-5991 is a deformed humanoid wearing a crown of thorns that manifests to eat anyone that manages to consume an entire bible. Within the stomach of SCP-5991 is a small shopping plaza named "Jesusland".
SCP-5991 - Fondation SCP
SCP-5991-1 est une entité pâle, aux traits émaciés, avec une bouche pour seule orifice. SCP-5991-1 est dépourvu de dents, ne possède pas d'orbites ni d'yeux et porte une couronne d'épines. SCP-5991-1 s'approchera du sujet et décrochera sa propre mâchoire.
SCP-5991 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-5991是一种异常现象,会在一名人类完整吃下一本基督教《圣经》后触发。 对象可使用刀叉等餐具来进食圣经,但若将圣经和其他物质(如调味料)一并吃下,SCP-5991不会触发。 当对象吃下一本圣经,有一实体将出现在其面前,编为SCP-5991-1。 SCP-5991-1是一苍白的瘦弱实体,除了口部外没有体腔。 SCP-5991-1没有牙齿,没有眼眶或眼珠,头戴一荆棘王冠。 SCP-5991-1会靠近对象,然后张大自己的下颌。 之后SCP-5991-1会强行把对象塞入其喉中、进入 …
SCP-5991: † Jesus Yums Me † - YouTube
SCP-5991: Jesus Yums Me Original by Westrin, text can be found here: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-5991 Check out Westrin's Author Page here: http://www.scpwiki.com/westrinsauthor...
SCP-591 - SCP Foundation
Oct 22, 2022 · Description: SCP-591 refers to a line of video game consoles originally developed as a counterfeit of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). SCP-591 was labeled as Pretendo in 1985 and manufactured in Southeast Asia.
SCP 5991 AKA Shadow Woman | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
Any Entity In The Sight Of 5991 Is Approached By 5991 And Taken To A Shadow Dimenson With 3 Halls. Exiting The Dimenson Will Result In The Entity Living. After Exiting The Entity Will Have A Short Feeling Of Discomfort And Black Goop On Them.
SCP 5991 His holy digestive tract : r/SCP - Reddit
Apr 17, 2020 · 715K subscribers in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | scpwiki.com
SCP-5991 | Wiki La Fundación SCP | Fandom
SCP-5991-1 es una entidad demacrada, de piel pálida, sin orificios además de su boca. SCP-5991-1 tampoco tiene dientes, no posee cuencas oculares ni ojos, y lleva una corona de espinas. SCP-5991-1 se aproximara al sujeto y dislocara su propia mandíbula.
SCP-5991 - † Иисус вкусит меня
Описание: SCP-5991 - это аномальное явление, которое проявляется при съедении человеком целого экземпляра Библии. Хотя субъект может употребить Библию с использованием таких столовых приборов, как вилки или ножи, SCP-5991 не проявится, если наряду с Библией будут употреблены другие …
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