Segue 2 - Wikipedia
Segue 2 is one of the smallest and faintest satellites of the Milky Way—its integrated luminosity is about 800 times that of the Sun (absolute visible magnitude of about −2.5), which is much …
Lightweight Galaxy Is the Smallest Ever Found | Space
Jun 10, 2013 · The dwarf galaxy known as Segue 2 is bound together by a tiny clump of dark matter. Scientists who measured it using Hawaii's Keck Observatory say the finding adds …
Segue 2 Dwarf Galaxy: Type, Age, Size, Diameter, Mass, Location, …
Feb 22, 2024 · Segue 2 Dwarf Galaxy Meet Segue 2, the dwarf spheroidal galaxy, nestled among the cosmic wonders of the Milky Way in the constellation Aries. Despite its modest population …
Segue 2: Most Lightweight Galaxy in Universe - Sci-News.com
Jun 11, 2013 · According to the findings of a study published online in the Astrophysical Journal, a dwarf galaxy named Segue 2 is the least massive galaxy in the known Universe. Segue 2 is …
Scientists size up universe’s most lightweight dwarf galaxy with …
Jun 10, 2013 · Segue 2, discovered in 2009 as part of the massive Sloan Digital Sky Survey, is one of the faintest known galaxies, with light output just 900 times that of the Sun.
The Tiniest Galaxy Ever Found | TIME.com
Jun 13, 2013 · Known as Segue 2, it contains just 1,000 or so stars, and while this puny object, like most galaxies, is somewhat bulked up with invisible dark matter, that only adds another …
[1304.6080] Segue 2: The Least Massive Galaxy - arXiv.org
Apr 22, 2013 · Segue 2, discovered by Belokurov et al. (2009), is a galaxy with a luminosity of only 900 L_sun. We present Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopy of 25 members of Segue 2--a …
Segue 2: A Prototype of the Population of Satellites of Satellites
Mar 4, 2009 · We announce the discovery of a new Milky Way satellite Segue 2 found in the data of the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE). We followed this …
Segue 2: The Least Massive Galaxy - ADS - NASA/ADS
Segue 2 is the least massive galaxy known. We identify Segue 2 as a galaxy rather than a star cluster based on the wide dispersion in [Fe/H] (from -2.85 to -1.33) among the member stars.
May 20, 2013 · Segue 2 is the least massive galaxy known. We identify Segue 2 as a galaxy rather than a star cluster based on the wide dispersion in [Fe/H] (from −2.85 to −1.33) among …