Slovakia - Wikipedia
Most foreign translations tend to stem from this newer form (Slovakia in English, Slowakei in German, Slovaquie in French, etc.). In medieval Latin sources, terms: Slavus, Slavonia, or Slavorum (and more variants, from as early as 1029) [18] have been used.
Slowakei – Wikipedia
Die Slowakei (slowakisch Slovensko ⓘ /?, amtlich Slowakische Republik, slowakisch Slovenská republika ⓘ /?) ist ein Binnenstaat in Mitteleuropa, der an Österreich, Tschechien, Polen, die Ukraine und Ungarn grenzt.
Slovakia | History, Map, Flag, Population, Language, Capital, …
Mar 9, 2025 · Slovakia drains predominantly southward into the Danube River system.The Danube and another major river, the Morava, form the republic’s southwestern border.The principal rivers draining the mountains include the Váh, Hron, Hornád, and Bodrog, all flowing south, and the Poprad, draining northward.Flows vary seasonally from the torrents of spring snowmelt to late-summer lows.
Slovakia - The World Factbook
Mar 3, 2025 · Visit the Definitions and Notes page to view a description of each topic.
Slovakia – EU country profile - European Union
May 1, 2004 · The Council of the EU does not have a permanent, single-person president (like the Commission or Parliament). Instead, its work is led by the country holding the Council presidency, which rotates every 6 months. During these 6 months, ministers from that country's government chair and help determine the agenda of Council meetings in the different policy areas, and facilitate dialogue with the ...
Top 10 Places To Visit In Slovakia - Travel Guide
Mar 6, 2022 · Slovakia is one of Europe's hidden gems. Enjoy this travel guide across Slovakia's spectacular places. From the jagged High Tatras, to the mysterious Orava C...
Slovakia – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Much of the central and northern part of Slovakia is rugged and mountainous. Gerlachovský štít at 2,655 m (8,711 ft) in the High Tatras is the highest peak. The Tatra Mountains in the north, shared with Poland, are interspersed with many scenic lakes and valleys. These areas experience lower temperatures and traditionally people here lived off sheep grazing.
Slovakia travel - Lonely Planet | Europe
Right in the heart of Europe, Slovakia is a land of castles and mountains, occasionally punctuated by industrial sprawl. More than a quarter-century after Czechoslovakia's break-up, Slovakia has emerged as a self-assured, independent nation.
About Slovakia / Introduction - slovake.eu
National anthem Nad Tatrou sa blýska. Nad Tatrou sa blýska, hromy divo bijú. Zastavme ich, bratia, veď sa ony stratia, Slováci ožijú.. To Slovensko naše posiaľ tvrdo spalo. Ale blesky hromu vzbudzujú ho k tomu, aby sa prebralo.. Translations of the Slovak national anthem to other languages can be found on Wikipedia, in the different language versions of …
Slowakei – EU-Mitgliedsländerprofil | Europäische Union
Erfahren Sie mehr über das politisches System der Slowakei, ihre Wirtschaft und ihre Handelszahlen, die Vertretung der Slowakei in den verschiedenen Organen der EU sowie die EU-Mittel, die das Land erhält.