Spin wave - Wikipedia
In condensed matter physics, a spin wave is a propagating disturbance in the ordering of a magnetic material. These low-lying collective excitations occur in magnetic lattices with continuous symmetry.
If we flip a single spin, the energy is. But it is possible to create an excitation with much less energy than this! What we can do is let the spins “share” the spin flip, which is a key feature of a spin wave excitation
Spin Waves: Theory and Applications | SpringerLink
Spin Waves: Theory and Applications serves not only as an introduction to an active area of research, but also as a reference for workers in the field.
Correlated spin-wave generation and domain-wall oscillation in a ...
Jan 27, 2025 · Spin waves, or magnons, are essential for next-generation energy-efficient spintronics and magnonics. Yet, visualizing spin-wave dynamics at nanoscale and microwave frequencies remains a...
Three-dimensional spin-wave dynamics, localization and ... - Nature
Apr 9, 2024 · Here, we image the three-dimensional dynamics of spin waves excited in a synthetic antiferromagnet, with nanoscale spatial resolution and sub-ns temporal resolution, using time-resolved...
Spin Waves - SpringerLink
Nov 28, 2021 · Spin waves are the dynamic eigen-excitations of a magnetic system. They provide the basis for the description of spatial and temporal evolution of the magnetization distribution of a magnetic object under the general assumption that locally the length of …
We study the cases of a ferromagnet and of an antiferromagnet. We also discuss the use of neutron techniques in measuring the dispersion of spin waves. Developed in the 50's, the spin waves theory is one of the milestones in magnetism and continues to …
Phonons, Magnons, and Their Applications to Spin Wave Theory
Mar 9, 2020 · Spin Wave Theory. To describe the behavior of magnons and phonons collectively, scientists developed the spin wave theory. With this, phonons and magnons should have harmonic frequencies that dampen out over time, becoming harmonic.
Quantum Theory of Spin Waves: Magnons | SpringerLink
Aug 1, 2020 · Spin waves are quantum objects and several phenomena involving them require that they are treated as such. In this chapter, we present a quantum approach of spin waves based on the Holstein–Primakoff transformation from the spin operators into magnon operators.
[2006.12905] An Introduction to Spin Wave Computing - arXiv.org
Jun 23, 2020 · After an introduction to magnetic interactions and spin-wave physics, all relevant basic aspects of spin-wave computing and individual spin-wave devices are reviewed. The focus is on spin-wave majority gates as they are the most prominently pursued device concept.