SUBTOTAL 函数的用法及实例 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SUBTOTAL 函数:返回列表或数据库中的 分类汇总。 通常使用“数据”菜单中的“分类汇总”命令,可以容易地创建带有分类汇总的列表。 语法:SUBTOTAL (function_num, ref1, ref2, ...) Function_num 为 1 到 11(包含隐藏值)或 101 到 111(忽略隐藏值)之间的数字,指定使用何种函数在列表中进行分类汇总计算。 对应的含义如下面表格所示: 上面的表格中有两行黄色的,是求和和计数,是两个非常常见的功能。 ref1……refn参数为要对其进行分类汇总计算的第1 …
Insert subtotals in a list of data in a worksheet - Microsoft Support
You can automatically calculate subtotals and grand totals in a list for a column by using the Subtotal command. Important: Subtotals are not supported in Excel tables. The Subtotal command will appear grayed out if you are working with an Excel table.
SUBTOTAL function - Microsoft Support
Returns a subtotal in a list or database. It is generally easier to create a list with subtotals by using the Subtotal command in the Outline group on the Data tab in the Excel desktop application. Once the subtotal list is created, you can modify it by editing the SUBTOTAL function. Syntax
How to Use the SUBTOTAL Function in Microsoft Excel - How-To Geek
Nov 8, 2022 · Obtaining subtotals for groups of related items is easy in Microsoft Excel. In fact, you have two ways to do this. You can either use the SUBTOTAL function or the Subtotal feature, whichever works best.
SUBTOTAL函数 - 百度百科
在 Excel 帮助里是这样说明SUBTOTAL的:返回列表或数据库中的分类汇总。 通常,使用“数据”菜单中的“分类汇总”命令可以容易地创建带有分类汇总的列表。 一旦创建了分类汇总,就可以通过编辑 SUBTOTAL 函数对该列表进行修改。 语法:SUBTOTAL (function_num,ref1,ref2, ...) Function _num 为 1 到 11(包含隐藏值)或 101 到 111(忽略隐藏值)之间的数字,指定使用何种函数在列表中进行 分类汇总 计算。 ref1……refn参数 为要 对其进行分类汇总计算的第1至29个命名区 …
Excel SUBTOTAL 函数 - 懒人Excel
Dec 30, 2018 · SUBTOTAL 函数返回一组数据的分类汇总值。 可以使用参数指定分类汇总方式。 分类汇总值。 =SUBTOTAL (function_num,ref1, [ref2],...]) =SUBTOTAL (汇总方式, 引用1, [引用2],...]) Function_num 必需。 1 到 11(包含隐藏值)或 101 到 111(忽略隐藏值)之间的数字,用于指定使用何种函数在列表中进行分类汇总计算。 具体如下: Ref1 必需。 要对其进行分类汇总计算的第一个命名区域或引用。 Ref2,... 可选。 要对其进行分类汇总计算的第 2 个至第 254 个 …
6 Ways to Subtotal in Microsoft Excel
6 days ago · Learn how to subtotal in Excel using simple methods ranging from manual Excel functions to Excel VBA-based automation. When you analyze a large dataset in Excel, you might want to group relevant data and create intermediate totals before the grand total. This is commonly known as subtotal.
How to add, use and remove Subtotals in Excel - Ablebits
Mar 20, 2023 · See to use Excel Subtotal feature to automatically sum, count or average groups of cells. Learn how to insert multiple subtotals, copy only subtotals, display or hide subtotal details, and how to remove subtotals.
How to Calculate Subtotals in Excel – A Complete Guide
Aug 9, 2024 · In this article, we'll take a closer look at subtotals in Excel and how this feature makes it easier to compute totals, averages, counts etc.
Excel SUBTOTAL function | Exceljet
Excel has a Subtotal feature that automatically inserts SUBTOTAL formulas in sorted data. You can find this feature at Data > Outline > Subtotal. SUBTOTAL formulas inserted this way use the standard function numbers 1-11.