.500 magnum, load-data
Oct 8, 2015 · In the Vithavuori manual, there's 1 recipe for a 300 grain TMJ bullet..an other brand bullet.. but weight and shape/type is the same, so i would be ok right? The thing is.. these H&N bullets i have, are listed on the box as .501's.. most people i speak to say it's ok to use, especially with the starting load stated.
FMJ vs. TMJ??? - smith-wessonforum.com
Nov 22, 2009 · can someone please tell me the difference between FMJ & TMJ ammo? is one more reliable than the other in revolvers or semis? thanx, t'blazer
.40s&w berrys 165gn
Jun 30, 2019 · Berry's says to use jacketed data so you can safely use Lee's Power Pistol data for the 165gn TMJ, 6.3gn start and 7gn max. If you're using the hollow base 165 you may not see reliability or accuracy until you work up closer to 7gn.
158 gr .38 Special - Smith & Wesson Forum
Aug 8, 2016 · .357-.358 bullets are readily available in weights from 110 gr to 200gr. Due to the .38 Spl limit of 17,000 PSI standard and 20,000PSI +P, the cartridge is most efficient between 125gr and 158gr, but there is nothing to stop anyone loading whatever bullet and powder combination they wish.
the 9mm and the BIG 165 gr bullet...... - Smith & Wesson Forum
Feb 7, 2022 · The word (rn) bullet kept coming up in this thread when associated with the heavy bullets for the 9mm. Not sure but I have an idea that a rn bullet keeps getting mentioned because they tend to have shorter bodies/more weight in the nose. And seeing how the nose of the bullet doesn't take up space in the case (more case capacity) when seated.
Plated Bullet comparison.
May 4, 2013 · Plated Bullet comparison. Just tried out my new Shooting Chony on some 40 caliber reloads featuring bullets from Berry's and Hunting Shack. Berry's has the spec for diameter at 0.401 and HSM has them at 0.400, so there is a minor difference in the diameters.
IMR 4227? - smith-wessonforum.com
Jun 9, 2015 · I have 240 gr TMJ TC bullets, and W296. ... Good cast bullet powder for the old lever action cartridges ...
Selecting correct bullets for .357 SIG loads
Aug 8, 2021 · P.S. Round & conical nose bullets typically provide the most problems in 357 SIG vis'-a-vis' OAL. Most of the bullets specifically designated as appropriate for 357 SIG have a flat nose (Speer 125gr TMJ & GDHP, Hornady XTP & HAP, etc.).
38 Super Pet Loads/Powder Selection - smith-wessonforum.com
Dec 19, 2014 · I use a normal jacketed bullet in .38 Super for full-charge loads, always in the 120-130 grain range, and HS-6 powder. It probably doesn't make the fastest .38 Super load but it is accurate in all of my Supers and consistent over the chronograph. I usually use the Remington 124gr JHP just because it works well and I can buy it at attractive prices.
Berry's Hybrid JHP's - experience? - smith-wessonforum.com
Nov 19, 2024 · If your core business is TMJ bullets for training/practice ammo, the lead alloy specs might not be ideal for expanding bullets. If you're also making a brand/patented/licensed bullet under a major contract, they're getting the best possible material to …