Have a password-less amnesia account by default
This would work as expected, and can easily be simulated by setting a root password (using rootpw= on the kernel cmdline) and switching out to a console and running passwd -d amnesia right before clicking "Login & quot; in Tails Greeter.
disable pc speaker (#5758) · Issues · tails / tails - GitLab
Tails currently load the Linux modules that will enable the old style (PC-AT) speaker. It is responsible for making loud beeps at bootup, shutdown or when using the console. As it raises attention to Tails users it is best to disable it.
It is quite common for computers not to start automatically on a USB stick with Tails installed. Here are two troubleshooting techniques. You should try them one after the other. Tails - Installing Tails on a USB stick from Linux file:///home/amnesia/Persistent/Tor Browser/master/install/linux... 6 of 19 01/20/2016 01:31 PM
Find File · f351c604224b8b5499ece9db3f9df0b8bddbd7c1 · tails / …
There are no matching files Try using a different search term to find the file you are looking for.
Changes · audit_AppArmor_profiles · Wiki · tails / blueprints · GitLab
Rename blueprints: .mdwn → .md authored Jan 02, 2021 by intrigeri Rationale: - Right now: - These pages' Markdown will be rendered when browsing our repository in the GitLab web interface - The .md extension is more common nowadays: GitHub, GitLab, and various other major players have settled on it.
Rephrase "Copy from a friend" and "Install from scratch"
Originally created by @sajolida on #9433 (Redmine) From the user testing and...
Feature #12411: Stop restarting tor if bootstrapping stalls
I intend to test this branch many times before considering it further for inclusion in Tails 2.12. > Let me know if you want me to run it many times on a poorer Internet connection. My branch seem to make /usr/local/sbin/tor-has-bootstrapped always fail, so I have to try to understand how all that systemd state works again.
Bug #14650: Package new upstream version of tails-installer -> bpo
I guess you are referring here to Tails Installer 4.4.19 which solves Feature #8859. Then I’d like to coordinate with you so that the documentation is updated at the same time as the new package lands in Debian and Ubuntu (+/- 1/2 days).
User reported that the instructions on our website to ‘reset Tails with Mac’ do not work. The process leads her consistently to an error: Erasing "TAILS 1.8 - 2015" and creating "NONAME" Erase process has failed.
Feature #12478: Add a chat service (XMPP or IRC) to Tails Server
Next, I’ve been fighting with making the tails-server-client side of things smooth. My plan is to add a helper script that writes the account configuration XML.