If you wander the void for long enough, you might encounter Vivid Voidpets. Each of these rare variants is twice as rare as the one before it. Visit the VoidDex to see all vivids
Species - Voidpet
Species guide including definitions, rarity, element type, pronunciation, and etymology.
A game where you collect monsters that are based on emotions.
This is the latest version . Enter the void. Landing •
lindashad - Voidpet
King Jr. likes to step outside their comfort zone. Estrangement Four. Aquarius ♒️
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Special outfits for your pet. Create up to 100 team templates. Claim 400gm a month. And more profile customization. Join now for 1,200 bonus Giga matter! Get Giga $39.99/yr 16% off. Get Giga $3.99/mo.
Are you ready to enter the void?
Are you ready to enter the void? First, you m. Proceed with Discord. ...
Line - Voidpet
Enter the void. Bosses & NPCs stats/totals list. by Line and Holy. species base stats & type. each voidpet emotion's type and base stats. Voidpet vivid checklist. spreadsheet to record which vivids you've gotten. my version of holys' damage calculator. calculate damage dealt + …
Vivid - Voidpet
Vivid guide including definitions, rarity, element type, pronunciation, and etymology.
benawad - Voidpet
I'm working on an app called Voidpet Dungeon. Youtube. Instagram