Washington State Cougars Color Codes
The Washington State Cougars logo colors are crimson and gray. The crimson color code for the Washington State Cougars logo is Pantone: PMS 7622 C, Hex Color: #981E32, RGB: (152, 30, 50), CMYK: (0,80,67,40).
Colors - Washington State University
Crimson, gray, and white are the foundation of the WSU color palette. They serve as the brand’s primary colors for print, electronic, and environmental applications. More grays. Brighter crimson. More options.
Official Crimson & Gray Apparel, Merchandise & Gifts - eFollett
Let’s Go Cougs! Shop Washington State University Apparel, Merchandise and Gear. Best selection of spirit wear, anywhere.
Gray W Varsity Letter Winners - Washington State Cougar Athletic Fund
Oct 9, 2020 · Gray W Varsity Club provides letterwinners an opportunity to remain connected with their athletic program, coaches, teammates, and Washington State University while giving back to support the next generation of WSU student-athletes.
Cougarwear.com -- Where Cougar Fans Shop!
The destination for Washington State Cougars fans. Licensed Collegiate Apparel, Accessories, Party Gear, Decor and Gifts for every WSU alumni and fan. Go Cougs!
ASWSU Crimson and Gray fund - getinvolved.wsu.edu
The Crimson and Gray Fund has funding opportunities for WSU Pullman Clubs & Organizations. The Crimson and Gray Fund Application is available on Coug Presence and includes information and rules on how funding can be secured and used.
CAF Gray W Members Invited to Enjoy Pregame Festivities at …
Aug 24, 2015 · Cougar Athletic Fund (CAF) Gray W members are invited to return to Washington State University and experience the new Cougar Football Complex inside the Gray W Legends Lounge during the 2015 season. The Gray W Legends Lounge offers the only exclusive game day gathering for past WSU varsity letterwinners.
The palette should be 70% crimson and/or gray, 20% a secondary color, and 10% or less devoted to the accent color palette. To create a consistent look for a wide variety of communications, two typefaces for print (Proxima Nova and FreightBig Pro) and one for web (Montserrat) are included.
Students living in residence halls who choose to bring a car to campus purchase Crimson, Gray, or Blue parking permits. Crimson and Gray permits are limited in quantity and are sold on a first come, first served basis.
Crimson & Gray Day 2025 - Events Calendar - WSU Vancouver
Washington State University is turning 135 this year! Join the system-wide celebration by grabbing a slice of birthday cake and joining the fun! Other party locations can be found on the Crimson & Gray Day 2025 webpage.