Zoo U: An Evidence-based Emotional Wellness for Grades 2-4
Zoo U is an online social skills game that helps students in grades 2-4 improve empathy, impulse control, emotion regulation, and cooperation.
Success Story out of the ED/IES SBIR Program: Zoo U
Zoo U is a web-based, social skills learning game for students in grades 2 to 4. Students play Zoo U in a simulated school environment to learn social and emotional skills through common …
Emotional Wellness Programs for Grades K-8 - Centervention®
Zoo U: Grades 2-4. In Zoo U, students continue their emotional developmental journey in a fictional,school-based game. Like Zoo Academy, the first six scenes are focused on skill …
Zoo U Review for Teachers | Common Sense Education
Zoo U is an online game that begins with an introduction and tutorial presented by an animated zookeeper, Principal Wild. Kids get oriented by tapping six sticky notes and following …
Zoo U: Combine Game-Based Direct Assessment With Surveys
Oct 24, 2024 · Zoo U is an evidence-based game for social emotional skills assessment and intervention with elementary students. Distributed by Centervention, Zoo U helps tens of …
Zoo U – 3cisd
In Zoo U, children become students at a virtual school for future zookeepers and build their skills by working through a series of common social scenarios. Zoo U leverages powerful …
Zoo U : A Stealth Approach to Social Skills Assessment in Schools
Zoo U is an innovative product that combines theory-driven content and customized game mechanics. The game-like play creates the opportunity for stealth assessment, in which …
Zoo U - Pixelkin
In Zoo U, students will play as a zookeeper-in-training at a school with other zookeepers (as well as some animals).
ZOO U - The Index Project
In Zoo U, players are students in a school for future zookeepers, where Principal Wild and a host of friendly animals help them learn essential social skills— and earn points—as they navigate …
Zoo U – 3cisd
Zoo U is an interactive, evidence-based online game designed to assess and enhance elementary students' social skills as well as track their progress toward specific goals. Students navigate …
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