How to calculate the amount of gas in a compressed cylinder
Apr 15, 2015 · I am trying to calculate a cost per hour use of a gas we buy in a cylinder. The details I have been working with are: Gas used CP-grade N2 material number: 110628-L can Gas: N, density = 1.251 g/...
How do you calculate the equilibrium constant with the …
Oct 26, 2016 · The following information is also given: $2.000\ \mathrm{mL}$ of a $0.00200\ \mathrm{M}$ solution of $\mathrm{KSCN}$ with $5.00\ \mathrm{mL}$ of $0.00200\ \mathrm{M}$ solution of $\ce{Fe(NO3)3}$ and $3.00\ \mathrm{mL}$ of water is combined. So from this, I assumed that the concentrations of $\ce{SCN-}$ and $\ce{Fe^{3+}}$ are both $0.002 ...
biochemistry - How do I interpret the results of this DNA gel ...
Oct 9, 2023 · This run was meant to be a sort of mock-forensics experiment. There is DNA from the "crime scene", "suspect 1", and "suspect 2". There are 3 samples from each, one is untreated, one is digested with EcoRV, and one is digested with PstI.
analytical chemistry - Which is the proper approach to substract …
Feb 12, 2025 · We run analysis for trace metals using ICP-MS with internal standard (IS) correction. In the procedural blank subtraction, I understand that we should subtract the analyte's signal from the blank to that of our samples before calculating the analyte/IS ratio.
Diffusion/Streaky bands on TLC plate - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Jun 8, 2017 · 3. Solvent system. Although you say that "this solvent system has been used to run similar wax extracts", its always worth trying different eluents with your chromatography, unless your sample is identical to the prep you're following. A different modifier (formic acid or trifluoroacetic acid often work well), or different solvent mixtures ...
NH protons not appearing in H NMR spectrum of 3,4 …
Jan 31, 2023 · If you have integrated that peak, you'd see the integration value is more than 3-protons of the real compound. That means your compound is really wet when you take the NMR. The following diagram shows ratios of water peak to TMS and residual $\ce{CHCl3}$ peaks in a typical $\ce{CDCl3}$ (with 99.8% $\ce{D}$ and 0.05% TMS) solvent bottle (Ref.1):
Suitable solvents for column chromatography - Chemistry Stack …
Oct 12, 2015 · $\begingroup$ Anyone involved in serious organic synthesis intuitively runs some form of gradient column if they're doing anything more complicated than a simple reduction or protecting group manipulation.
What happens to the waste products from crude oil refining?
May 2, 2024 · The lower grades make an excellent replacement for coal if you can handle the high sulfur (2 - 3 times higher than typical coal), and the hardness. The Portland cement industry makes abundant use of pet coke as modern preheater kilns completely absorb the sulfur from fuels and it becomes part of the cement (substituting for gypsum that would ...
computational chemistry - Why is the 2-position of pyridine …
Jul 7, 2017 · $\psi_3=(1/2)\times(p_2+p_3-p_5-p_6)$ Now suppose that atom $1$ is changed from carbon to nitrogen to make pyridine. Now that atom, being more electronegative, acts an an electron sink on occupied orbitals having an interaction with that atom -- meaning $\psi_1$ and $\psi_2$ are vulberable to thus $\pi$-electron withdrawal but $\psi_3$ which ...
polarity - Do polar compounds travel further or less far than …
Never have I seen a normal phase (i.e. silica gel or alox) TLC where a more polar compounds travels further than a less polar compound — and I have used some extremely (considering normal phase TLC) polar eluents in the past.