Ekron - Wikipedia
Ekron (Philistine: 𐤏𐤒𐤓𐤍 *ʿAqārān, [1] Hebrew: עֶקְרוֹן, romanized: ʿEqrōn, Arabic: عقرون), in the Hellenistic period known as Accaron (Ancient Greek: Ακκαρων, romanized: Akkarōn) [2][3] …
Ekron, Kentucky - Wikipedia
Ekron is a home rule-class city in Meade County, Kentucky, United States. The population was 175 at the 2020 census. [2]
Ekron Royal Dedicatory Inscription - Wikipedia
The Ekron Royal Dedicatory Inscription, or simply the Ekron inscription, is a royal dedication inscription found in its primary context, [2] in the ruins of a temple during the 1996 excavations …
Ekron - Wikipedia
In de zevende eeuw v.Chr. was Ekron een van de grootste steden in het gebied van het tegenwoordige Israël. De stad bestond, zoals veel steden in de oudheid, uit een hoger …
Kiryat Ekron - Wikipedia
Kiryat Ekron or Qiryath Eqron (Hebrew: קִרְיַת עֶקְרוֹן) is a town located on the coastal plain in the Central District of Israel. Located immediately south of the city of Rehovot on Highway 411 …
Ekron - Wikipedia
Ekron (in ebraico: עֶקְרוֹן, ʿeqrōn, traslitterato in epoca ellenistica come Accaron; odierna Tel Miqne), è stata una città-stato facente parte della Pentapoli filistea, situata nella parte sud …
Ekron – Wikipedia
Ekron (antik Akkaron; hebräisch עֶקְרוֹן ʿEqrōn) ist eine in der Bibel genannte Stadt der Philister. Ekron wird heute mit Tel Miqne auf dem Gebiet des Kibbuz Revadim im heutigen Israel …
Ekron – Wikipedia
Ekron (hebreiska עֶקְרוֹן ʿeqrōn) var en av de fem städerna i filistéernas pentapolis under antiken. Staden låg i sydvästra Kanaan. Dess läge återupptäcktes i modern tid, och utgrävningar har …
Ekron - Wikipedia
Reprezentare imaginară a oraşului Ekron dintr-o frescă medievală care ilustrează 1 Samuel 5-6, aflată într-o criptă din Anagni, Italia, c.1255. Ekron (în ebraică עֶקְרוֹן, eqrōn, transliterat …
Ekron – Wikipédia
Ekron (héber עֶקְרוֹן ʿeqrōn) egyike volt a filiszteusok Délnyugat-Kánaánban található öt városának. Ma Tel Miqne településével azonosítják (arabul: Kirbat al-Muqanna), amely az Izrael középső …
Ekron – Wikipedia
Ekron (hebraisk: עֶקְרוֹן , ʿeqrōn ) var en av de fem byene i filistrenes pentapolis i oldtiden. Byen lå i sørvestre Kanaan. Dens belyggenhet ble gjenoppdaget i moderne tid, og utgravninger ble …
Category:Ekron - Wikipedia
Articles relating to the city of Ekron, a Philistine city, one of the five cities of the Philistine Pentapolis, located in present-day Israel.In 1957, Ekron was first identified with the mound of …
Ekron (Kanaan) – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Ekron znajduje się w centralnym Izraelu, na Szefeli, około 8 km na południowy zachód od Ramli.W starożytności w pobliżu przebiegała granica między Filisteą a Królestwem …
Ekron, Kentucky - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ekron is a city in Meade County, Kentucky in the United States of America This short article about a place or feature in the United States can be made longer. You can help Wikipedia by adding …
Kiryat Ekron — Wikipédia
Kiryat Ekron a été fondée en 1948, Kfar Ekron, sur le site du village arabe de Aqir, et a été nommé d'après la Bible Ekron, une grande ville philistine qui existait autrefois à proximité de …
What is the significance of Ekron in the Bible?
Oct 23, 2023 · In the broader biblical narrative, Ekron stands as a reminder of God’s supremacy and His judgment over evil. It also serves as a point of enduring conflict between Israel and …
The 5 Philistine Cities: Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gaza, Ekron, & Gath ...
Ekron 1. Ekron is located east of Ashdod and the Mediterranean Sea about 13 miles (20 km.) 2. In archeological terms, Tel Ekron (Tel Miqne-Ekron) is significant because it is one of the largest …
Ekron Map - Village - Meade, Kentucky, USA - Mapcarta
Ekron is a home rule-class city in Meade County, Kentucky, United States. The population was 175 at the 2020 census. Mapcarta, the open map.
Ekron - Wikiwand
Ekron (Philistine: 𐤏𐤒𐤓𐤍 *ʿAqārān, Hebrew: עֶקְרוֹן, romanized: ʿEqrōn, Arabic: عقرون), in the Hellenistic period known as Accaron (Ancient Greek: Ακκαρων, romanized: Akkarōn) was at …
Ekron - Encyclopedia.com
EKRON (Heb. עֶקְרוֹן), one of the capital cities of the Philistine Pentapolis. According to the Bible, Joshua allotted it to the tribe of Dan on its northeastern border with Judah (Josh. 15:11, …
What is Ekron's significance in the Bible?
Ekron holds a distinct significance in the Bible as a major Philistine city, central to episodes involving the Ark of the Covenant, the false god Baal-zebub, and various prophetic judgments.
Settlements | Ekron
Ekron, an ancient city located in the region of Philistia in the southern Levant (modern-day Israel), had a significant historical background even though it did not play a prominent role during …
Ekron Fire Department - PZwiki
5 days ago · The Ekron Fire Department is a fire department in Ekron.It is located next to the Ekron Community College, and is a great place to find various tools and weapons.. Interior. …