Football Manager 2025, already delayed on two occasions and last set for a March 2025 release, was officially cancelled by developers Sports Interactive.
Related: Best PS5 Slim and Pro console deals UK - PlayStation 5 offers ... to go beyond a March release as it would be too late in the football season to expect players to then buy another game later ...
EA SPORTS FC 25 will be available for Nintendo Switch Online Subscribers to play for a full week starting from the 24th!
It was the longest college football season on record, starting Aug. 24 and ending nearly five months later. But considering how difficult it was to cut my annual great games list to just 100 -- my ...
as Madden fans have suffered a serious American football drought on Nintendo’s Switch. The last Madden NFL game released on a Nintendo console was way back in 2013 for the Wii U. If I’m not ...