Practice—that is, repetitive training—matters in healing brain injury. Repeated intensive training can be accompanied by ...
Perfect penmanship for Florida students is closer than ever, as the Florida House passes a bill requiring instruction and ...
Experts warn that increased screen time may be hindering children's fine motor skill development, but hands-on activities ...
In the corporate world, your resume speaks a lot for you. A lot of you may think that the longer the resume, the more the ...
There is tremendous potential for AI to help reduce instructor workloads. At the event, I saw a demonstration of an AI tool ...
Easton White argues that faculty should take the time to gain a basic understanding of their college’s budget model.
The "How to Write Effective Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Other Process Documents" training has been added to's offering. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are ...
Meet Julita Inca Chiroque, Research Community Lead in the ITS-Research team. In this profile Julita tells us about their work in High Performance Computing, tells us what Women’s History Month (taking ...
How will the technology change the way schools teach K-12 fundamentals like math? And, is a predictive technology even a good ...
Edgar Lopez, a student in the Life Skills program at Ephrata High School, has been named one of the February Students of the ...
Marsha Guerrier is helping Black women entrepreneurs secure funding and build wealth through HerSuiteSpot, a platform ...