I'm not saying I've been living in a hole for the past six months (it was New Jersey) but I had no idea that there was a 4K ...
Your favorite tiara wearers are now bloodthirsty, messy-haired dinosaurs. Gaze upon the Disney princesses as velociraptors and let out a mighty “Rawwwrtffff!” of approval. Jurassic World and ...
One petition, titled “Re-theme Splash Mountain to Princess and the Frog,” gained particular traction, receiving over 21,384 signatures upon closing. The petition read in part: “Disney parks ...
Hayao Miyazaki fans will be able to re-watch Princess Mononoke in grand style in a few weeks, as it will return to theaters in a few weeks, but now restored in 4K. Those who haven't seen it yet ...
A group of thirteen-year-old girls have been praised online for their inspired protest at the Women’s March in LA, which saw them reimagine Disney Princesses. This weekend, on the 21 January ...
We’re the first to admit we’ve still got a soft spot for Disney. As children, we adored singing along to the iconic soundtracks of Pocahontas and Mulan. Even as adults, we’re pretty tempted ...
According to the official IMAX website, Princess Mononoke will receive a 4K IMAX re-release this month. The gorgeous world of 14th Century Japan, infused with forest spirits and greedy humans will ...